Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers a practice management system with new document management capabilities such as Dropbox integration (see article below), a virtual number pad that works on the iPhone, an iPad app for annotating PDF documents, and a production document scanner. Don't miss the next issue.

Permanence exists even in our rapidly changing world. For example, lawyers still create a lot of documents. Not surprisingly, document management has persisted as the most popular topic among TechnoLawyer members for more than a decade. The same is likely true of all lawyers. Which means you'll find this new product of interest.
Amicus Attorney Premium Edition 2014 … in One Sentence
Launched last week, Gavel & Gown's Amicus Attorney Premium Edition 2014 (Amicus Premium 2014) is an integrated practice management and billing system with new document management capabilities.
The Killer Feature
While the interest in document management remains as intense as ever, the way lawyers interact with documents has changed dramatically thanks to devices such as the iPad and storage services such as Dropbox.
Amicus Premium 2014 supports both the iPad and Dropbox. If you choose to store your documents in Amicus Premium 2014, they remain secure at your firm yet you can access them from your iPad. You can work on documents, create new documents, email documents, etc. As always, Amicus Premium 2014 organizes your documents by client and matter.
As an alternative or adjunct to this secure document management system, you can connect Amicus Premium 2014 to your Dropbox account. Amicus Premium 2014 automatically creates folders in Dropbox for all your client files, which ensures correct organization of the documents you place into these folders. Thanks to Dropbox's ubiquity, this integration enables you to access documents of your choosing on virtually any device.
Other Notable Features
When you launch Amicus Premium 2014, you'll find a new interactive dashboard that provides fast access to your agenda, reminders, phone messages, tasks and deadlines, un-posted time entries, and more. Long known for its slick user interface, Amicus Premium 2014 kicks it up a few notches with higher resolution fonts and redesigned dialog boxes.
Amicus Premium 2014 offers realtime syncing with Microsoft Exchange and Google Apps. If you use Outlook for example, any changes you make there automatically appear in Amicus Premium 2014 and vice versa. The same goes for your contacts, calendar, and tasks on your iPad and smartphone.
Other new features include the ability to make contacts inactive yet still have them appear in conflicts searches, support for graphics such as your logo in your email signature that works in both Amicus Premium 2014 and Outlook, Graphical Time Sheets that provide a visual snapshot of your billable time statistics, Time Entry Summary for finding potentially billable activities associated with a matter, and Add To File for associating any appointments, contacts, telephone calls, and tasks to one or more matters with a single click.
What Else Should You Know?
Amicus Premium 2014 contains within it Amicus Premium Billing 2014, which you can activate with a license. The new version of this legal billing system contains many new features, including batch sending bills via Outlook so to your clients it seems like you personally emailed them. Learn more about Amicus Attorney Premium Edition 2014.
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