Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers a hybrid cloud-native practice management system (see article below), a web site testing tool, a stand for tablets, and a metadata removal utility for Microsoft Word. Don't miss the next issue.

As technology advances, it becomes simpler, which creates a rift between users and software developers. What once existed only in science fiction novels becomes routine — and most users don't appreciate the hard work involved to achieve such breakthroughs. For example, we may use the term "smartphone," but these devices are actually computers with an app for telephone calls. Thanks to smartphones and tablets not to mention the Internet, lawyers' expectations of their practice management and billing software has escalated to epic proportions. Legal vendors must now rise to this challenge.
Amicus Attorney Premium Edition 2013 … in One Sentence
Launched this month, Gavel & Gown Software's Amicus Attorney Premium Edition 2013 (Amicus Attorney) is a practice management and billing system with mobile Internet technologies.
The Killer Feature
The new version of Amicus Attorney offers law firms the security and speed of native software housed in their office, as well as the ability to bidirectionally use all functions from any web browser (similar to cloud software).
Amicus Attorney has accomplished this via a new technology called Amicus Anywhere, which enables you to access Amicus Attorney from any web browser on a Mac, PC, iPad, and smartphone (Amicus Anywhere's interface adjusts to the device on which you use it). Unlike remote control software, your computer in the office need not be running (a security risk). Instead, Amicus Anywhere accesses the Amicus Attorney database on a server in your firm.
With Amicus Anywhere, you can access all functions such as calendars, client files, contacts, tasks, telephone messages, time entries, etc. Importantly, you can enter information, not just read it. In other words, Amicus Anywhere is just as functional as the native Amicus Attorney software on your PC at work.
"Our customers love Amicus Attorney," Gavel & Gown President Ron Collins told us. "Now that they can use it with a browser anywhere, anytime, the reaction has been fantastic. Many lawyers spend a great deal of the day out of the office, so the ability to manage their practice from smartphones, tablets and laptops is a huge plus for them."
Other Notable Features
Also new is Amicus TimeTracker, which works in any desktop or mobile web browser and connects directly to your Amicus Attorney database. Amicus TimeTracker enables you to enter your billable time as it occurs before you forget, as well as review and edit existing time entries in a list view separated by day. It displays your total billed time per day, enabling you to quickly spot days that might be missing time entries.
Two years ago, Gavel & Gown introduced Time Entry Assistant, which lists all your unbilled activities. Because Amicus TimeTracker integrates with Amicus Attorney, it removes items from Time Entry Assistant in realtime as you bill for them.
Other features in Amicus Attorney include a dashboard that provides an overview of your firm and your personal agenda (Amicus Dailies), another dashboard on which you can view all communications by client and matter, bill creation, remittance, and reports, matter management, shared and personal legal calendaring, contact, document, and task management, notes, telephone messages, and more.
What Else Should You Know?
If you already use Amicus Attorney and have a current annual maintenance plan, you can upgrade to version 2013 at no additional cost, including Amicus Anywhere and Amicus TimeTracker. Otherwise, pricing for the first user starts at $499 for upgrades or $999 for those new to the product. The price per additional user is significantly lower. The company also offers Amicus Premium Billing 2013 for integrated accounting (you enable it by simply purchasing a license as there's no additional software to install). Learn more about Amicus Attorney Premium Edition 2013.
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