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Blogging with Firefox; Cryptinfo Review; Time Matters Review; Not All Clear; Dell Warranties

By Sara Skiff | Friday, August 10, 2007

Coming August 17, 2007 to Fat Friday: Paul Easton provides some helpful Firefox tips and add-ons for bloggers, David Caracappa reviews CryptInfo for password management as well as the Firefox extension PasswordMaker, Michael Schwartz reviews Time Matters 8, Martin Dean provides a behind-the-scenes look at his dealings with the makers of brainstorming tool allCLEAR, and Steven Schwaber tells us how he really feels about Dell's warranty policy. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Collaboration/Knowledge Management | Coming Attractions | Fat Friday | Practice Management/Calendars | Privacy/Security | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | Utilities

Tabs3 and PracticeMaster; DualHead2Go Review; Olympus DS-4000 Review; Word Processor Irrelevance

By Sara Skiff | Friday, August 3, 2007

Coming August 9, 2007 to Answers to Questions: Jason Havens reviews the Tabs3/PracticeMaster suite and how it compares to its competitors while Paul Purdue specifically reviews PracticeMaster's email integration capabilities, John Stefaniuk reviews the Olympus DS-4000 digital recorder, Craig Bayer explains how he uses two extra 21" monitors with his Dell Latitude laptop, and Tim Donovan discusses why choosing a word processor should be the least of a new law student's worries. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Monitors | Practice Management/Calendars | TL Answers

eDiscovery and Digital Forensics; MobileWrite Review; Treo Headset; PalmVNC Review; Timeslips Review; ScanSnap Review

By Sara Skiff | Friday, August 3, 2007

Coming August 10, 2007 to Fat Friday: Jerry Nicholson explains the difference between e-discovery and digital forensics, Jerry Sullenberger reviews handwriting recognition software for the Treo and the Treo Bluetooth headset, Scott Bassett explains how you can access you PC from a Palm OS device, David Abell reviews Timeslips' bill reprint feature (and what happens when you miss a patch), and Diane Sherman reviews the Fujitsu ScanSnap. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Coming Attractions | Computer Accessories | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Fat Friday | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Networking/Operating Systems | Utilities

BlawgWorld 2007 with TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide: Free eBook

By Neil J. Squillante | Monday, July 30, 2007


BlawgWorld 2007 with TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide is a free eBook. Actually, it's two eBooks in one PDF file.

BlawgWorld 2007 is the best way to explore and discover legal blogs (blawgs). It features 77 remarkable essays from 77 of the most influential blawgs. Each blogger handpicked their best essay of the year for inclusion in the eBook.

The 2007 TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide is a revolutionary new way to find Solutions to Problems your law firm is experiencing. Specifically, it contains 185 Problems and corresponding Solutions.

Each Problem is written in the form of a question from the point of view of a law firm and organized by topic. Topics include case management, depositions, discovery, document management, legal research, time-billing, and many more — 58 topics in all.

Download Our eBook Now
Our eBook is truly free. You click the link and it downloads. No registration hassles.

Download your copy of the eBook now.

And then watch our press conference.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Automation/Document Assembly/Macros | Backup/Media/Storage | BlawgWorld eBook | Business Productivity/Word Processing | CLE/News/References | Collaboration/Knowledge Management | Computer Accessories | Consultants/Services/Training | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Desktop PCs/Servers | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Document Management | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Entertainment/Hobbies/Recreation | Furniture/Office Supplies | Gadgets/Shredders/Office Gear | Graphic Design/Photography/Video | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Legal Research | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Monitors | Networking/Operating Systems | Online/Cloud | Practice Management/Calendars | Presentations/Projectors | Privacy/Security | TechnoLawyer | TechnoLawyer Problem/Solution Guide | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial | Transactional Practice Areas | Utilities

GlobalCite: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Sara Skiff | Wednesday, July 25, 2007

In today's issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire, lawyer and legal technology legend Dennis Kennedy covers an online legal research citation tool designed to save time, an online case management and time-billing application, and a new laser printer tailor-made for law firms. Don't miss the next issue.

Below you'll find one of the three articles from today's edition:

Better, Faster, Smarter Citations
By Dennis Kennedy

Lawyers have used "hyperlinks" before hyperlinks even existed. In our vernacular, we called them citations. When we found a good case, we would then review the citations to that case, often finding even better cases and sometimes finding reversals, statutory supersession, etc. Nowadays, of course, online research services provide real hyperlinks to related cases. But even so, the number of citations listed can be overwhelming to review.

Wolters Kluwer's Loislaw, a leading provider of online legal research, has updated its GlobalCite feature to address this and other issues based on feedback from its customers. The result is a more powerful citation research tool designed to help lawyers find relevant cases, statutes, and secondary sources more efficiently than ever before. Specifically, Loislaw has added two major features to GlobalCite, each of which saves time and takes advantage of modern Web technologies.

First, GlobalCite now offers a pop-up box within the document you are viewing that summarizes the GlobalCite results and provides links to the types of sources that you want to explore further. The pop-up box arranges the results by category. For example, you can view all sources, cases only, statutes only, treatises only, or other documents only. GlobalCite also displays the number of links within each category. You can click directly in the pop-up box to move to exactly the set of results you want, saving an extra step or two and valuable time. If no citations exist, you'll also know that at a glance without having to click further.

Second, GlobalCite enables you to search directly within your set of citations. With this feature, you can narrow your search quickly, thus eliminating the all-too-common problem of "noise" or "clutter" of unrelated documents. You can conduct full Boolean searches within this pool of citations. For example, you might search for a statutory section, case name, "reversed" or other terms, or keywords. Lawyers have become comfortable with this search within a search paradigm thanks to Web search engines.

As an added benefit, subscribers get the full text of every document they find via GlobalCite at no additional charge no matter what their subscription level. GlobalCite works across Loislaw's entire collection. GlobalCite is included with the purchase of any Loislaw package that includes primary law. Learn more about GlobalCite.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Wednesdays, TechnoLawyer NewsWire is a weekly newsletter that enables you to learn about new technology products and services of interest to legal professionals. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Legal Research | Online/Cloud | Practice Management/Calendars | TL NewsWire

What's In Your Client Trust Accounts?; Self Regulation Rules; Age Discrimination; LCD Versus Plasma; Dennis Kennedy

By Sara Skiff | Friday, July 20, 2007

Coming July 27, 2007 to Fat Friday: Edward Poll discusses the dangers involved with trust accounting and how to avoid them, David Herdman shares his thoughts on technology standards legislation as well as why backwards compatible software doesn't make sense, Beverly Katz explain how she handled age discrimination regarding in-house counsel jobs, Matt Baker adds an overlooked point to a recent TechnoFeature article about HDTV, and Steve Loewy comments on Dennis Kennedy's annual technology predictions. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Coming Attractions | Fat Friday | Gadgets/Shredders/Office Gear | Law Office Management | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Linux Is Not Free; GroupWise v. Outlook; Acrobat Typewriter Tool; Time Matters Review; Much More

By Sara Skiff | Friday, July 13, 2007

Coming July 19, 2007 to Answers to Questions: Mark Deal discusses the costs involved in switching from Windows to Linux, Stephen Taylor offers a solution for GroupWise notification problems and explains why his firm continues to chose GroupWise over Outlook, Rick Borstein explains how to enable the Typewriter tool in Acrobat Reader, Kristin LaMont reviews her experience using Time Matters over the past 11 years, and Celia Elwell shares her thoughts on which word processor today's law students should use. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Networking/Operating Systems | Practice Management/Calendars | TL Answers

Trust Accounting Done Right; 2 Monitors, 2 PCs, 1 Keyboard; Tme Matters8; Amicus Attorney 7; Foreign Document Assembly

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 22, 2007

Coming June 28, 2007 to Answers to Questions: Steven J. Best explains how to prevent trust accounting gotchas, Thomas Stirewalt provides instructions for setting up multiple monitors with two PCs and a KVM switch, Matthew Hite discusses LexisNexis' Time Matters upgrade policies and his firm's plans, Bruce Avery reviews his firm's upgrade to Amicus Attorney 7, and Blair Janis offers a solution for those seeking a foreign language document assembly program. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Automation/Document Assembly/Macros | Coming Attractions | Monitors | Practice Management/Calendars | TL Answers

PDF or TIFF?; Amicus Accounting Review; Tabs3 Review; 2 Monitors with 2 PCs; Law School Advice

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 8, 2007

Coming June 14, 2007 to Answers to Questions: Yvonne Renfrew provides several PDF and TIFF Bates stamping options, Simon Laurent reviews Amicus Accounting, Carolyn Thornlow reviews Tabs3 and PracticeMaster, Kirby Knight explains how to use dual monitors with two computers, and Hugh Tedder advises a soon-to-be law student on which word processor to use. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Monitors | Practice Management/Calendars | TL Answers

Don't Create Your Own Trial Exhibits; Battle of the Time-Billing Titans; Review of OminiPage and PaperPort; Outlook Tip; Much More

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 25, 2007

Coming May 31, 2007 to Answers to Questions: Barbara Norris explains why lawyers should not create their own trial exhibits, Jason Havens compares Tabs3/PracticeMaster, Time Matters/Billing Matters, and PCLaw plus he provides some tips for Mac users, Elizabeth Markus reviews OmniPage and PaperPort (including where to find free online training), Miriam Jacobson explains how she uses Quicken Deluxe 2000 for client trust accounts, and William Kelly reviews Getting Things Done Outlook Add-In (yes it's affiliated with the famous David Allen philosophy). Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | CLE/News/References | Coming Attractions | Document Management | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Practice Management/Calendars | Presentations/Projectors | TL Answers | Utilities
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