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CaseMap Bates Stamper: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Sara Skiff | Wednesday, May 24, 2006

In today's issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire, tech expert Jill Bauerle covers a hot new bates stamping technology, a Web-based time-tracking application, and a virtual mall for malware-free software. Don't miss the next issue.

Below you'll find one of the three articles from today's edition:

A Bates Stamper on Steroids
By Jill Bauerle
Once upon a time, lawyers manually affixed bates stamps to documents. Thanks to xerography, copy machines eventually replaced the hand stamps of old. Last week, LexisNexis CaseSoft announced the latest in bates stamping technology — CaseMap Bates Stamper. This nifty utility plugs into Acrobat Standard or Professional 6 or 7, and enables you to apply bates stamps to one or more PDF files. A wizard walks you through the bates stamping process, providing options along the way. You can use any combination of letters and numbers for the bates stamp (prefix plus number — up to 34 characters total), and then store that particular format for future use. You can use any font, position the bates stamp anywhere in the document, and even add a white background to ensure that the bates number will be visible. When batch processing, you can have the CaseMap Bates Stamper ignore documents that you've already stamped. This way, you won't have to select only the new files, which kind of defeats the purpose of batch processing. When you finish applying bates stamps, you can use the Send PDFs to CaseMap wizard to incorporate the documents into CaseMap. A new addition to this wizard enables you to list the documents in CaseMap by bates number. Once in CaseMap, you can create facts and issues from the documents along with the corresponding bates numbers and hyperlinks. As with all LexisNexis CaseSoft products, the CaseMap Bates Stamper comes with one year of free support. CaseMap Bates Stamper sells for $149, but the company is offering it for $99 until May 31, 2006. Learn more about CaseMap Bates Stamper.

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Published on Wednesdays, TechnoLawyer NewsWire is a weekly newsletter that enables you to learn about new technology products and services of interest to legal professionals. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Collaboration/Knowledge Management | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Online/Cloud | TL NewsWire

Monitor Ergonomics; AbacusLaw v. Time Matters; PCLaw v. QuickBooks; Consultants

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 19, 2006

Coming May 26, 2006 to Fat Friday: Dean Kirby discusses monitor height and reviews his Princeton monitor, Seth Silapasvang compares AbacusLaw to Time Matters, Harold Goldner reviews the Time Matters AIC listserver, Steve Wing compares PCLaw to QuickBooks, and Samuel Matunog explains when you need a consultant and when you don't. In addition, this issue features links to 8 additional Posts in the TechnoLawyer Archive. Don't miss this issue.

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Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | CLE/News/References | Coming Attractions | Consultants/Services/Training | Fat Friday | Monitors | Online/Cloud | Practice Management/Calendars | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Don't Blame Your Customers; Online Backup; HP Printers; RainMaker; Security Gone Wild

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 12, 2006

Coming May 19, 2006 to Fat Friday: Duy Thai adds his two cents to the software training debate, Alex Simpson responds to the online backup discussion fueled by a recent TechnoFeature, Alice B. Newman reviews her experience with the HP LaserJet 3330mfp (an oldie, but goodie) and the newer 2015mfp, Kevin Grierson reviews RainMaker for time and billing, and Jay Solomon has a little fun with the very serious topic of password security. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Backup/Media/Storage | Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Fat Friday | Privacy/Security | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Word Processing on the Front Lines; AmeriVault; PCLaw TE Review; Time Matters Enterprise Review; Desktop Searching

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 12, 2006

Coming May 18, 2006 to Answers to Questions: Andrea Cannavina shares her thoughts on the Word v. WordPerfect debate, Kelly Lupo explains the intricacies of backing up and reviews online backup service AmeriVault, Scott Bassett reviews PCLaw TE for Palm synchronization, Debbie Westwood reviews Time Matters Enterprise, and Jennifer Little provides some Windows Explorer tips. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Backup/Media/Storage | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Document Management | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Practice Management/Calendars | TL Answers

Outlook Archives; Windows Desktop Search; Documate and ScanSnap Reviews; QuickBooks; Free Document Assembly

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 5, 2006

Coming May 11, 2006 to Answers to Questions: Jason Havens compares Windows Desktop Search to Google Desktop Search and reviews an Outlook archival utility, William Burt reviews Xerox Documate scanners in a law office, Alan Press reviews his Fujitsu ScanScap, Sandra Adams reviews QuickBooks for legal billing and accounts receivable, and Carol Bratt discusses her free document assembly system. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Automation/Document Assembly/Macros | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Email/Messaging/Telephony | TL Answers

Which Acrobat?; QuickBooks and Time Matters; QuickBooks and Amicus Attorney; Scanner Reviews

By Sara Skiff | Friday, April 28, 2006

Coming May 4, 2006 to Answers to Questions: Pamela Coleman cites three features of Acrobat Professional that may help you decide between it and the Standard version, Corey Rich and Eric Imperial review QuickBooks Pro and how they have integrated it with their practice management software, Michael Commins reviews the Xerox Documate 252 scanner, and Stewart Lenz reviews the Fujitsu ScanSnap. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | TL Answers

Paying Electronic Filing Fees from Trust Accounts

By Sara Skiff | Monday, April 24, 2006

Don Springmeyer, Paying Electronic Filing Fees from Trust Accounts

TechnoLawyer member Stephen M. Nipper asks:
"Does anyone know of a bank that will allow one to link a debit card/credit card directly to a trust account (why? for paying electronic filing fees)? Best regards."

If, in Nevada, we paid electronic filing fees out of our trust account, we would need to later have frequent access to the ATM at the Southern Nevada Correctional Facility. All kidding aside, and on the assumption that of course your state bar's rules would allow such a thing, which ours would not, I think Bank of America will link an ATM card to any account as requested by the account owner.

Don Springmeyer, Esq.

About Answers to Questions
Posts like the one above appear exclusively in Answers to Questions, a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Post

Document Collaboration; QuickBooks for Legal Billing; Acrobat Professional; PDF Bates Stamp Tip

By Sara Skiff | Friday, April 21, 2006

Coming April 27, 2006 to Answers to Questions: Olivier Oosterbaan reviews several document collaboration tools including Google's new acquisition, Writely, Caren Schwartz reviews QuickBooks for legal billing as does Christian Connell, CaseSoft CEO Greg Krehel discusses the benefits of Adobe Acrobat Professional versus the Standard version, and Clint Pullin offers up an Acrobat Bates stamping tip. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Collaboration/Knowledge Management | Coming Attractions | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Online/Cloud | TL Answers

PDF Bates Stamp Tip from Adobe; QuickBooks 2006 for Time-Billing; Dragon Tip and Rant

By Sara Skiff | Friday, April 14, 2006

Coming April 20, 2006 to Answers to Questions: Business Development Manger for Adobe Legal Rick Borstein offers up a hot tip for bates stamping PDF files, solos Mark Rosen and Larry Vollintine review QuickBooks (Premier and Pro Editions, respectively) for time-billing, Geoff Ormrod suggests a fix for those having problems upgrading Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and Thomas Shigo challenges technology resellers to provide some straight talk about Dragon NaturallySpeaking (and other legal technology solutions). Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Answers

Lost Password Recovery; DeltaView and Worldox; PCLaw Review; Cheap Law Firm Web Sites; Public Records; Plus 10 Archive Posts

By Sara Skiff | Friday, April 7, 2006

Coming April 14, 2006 to Fat Friday: Mark Lieb reviews a handy password recovery program for use in e-discovery, Grady Thrasher discusses a workaround for integrating DeltaView PE with Worldox, David Hudgens reviews his experience with PCLaw, Michael Bates reviews the Web hosting and design company he used to build his firm's Web site, and Corey Rich discusses the convenience and cost of online public records. In addition, this issue features links to 10 additional Posts in the TechnoLawyer Archive. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Coming Attractions | Document Management | Fat Friday | Graphic Design/Photography/Video | Legal Research | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Online/Cloud | Practice Management/Calendars | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | Utilities
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