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When Should You Respond to an RFP? Plus Last Week's Inside Baseball

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Coming today to BiglawWorld: Our editorial team has assembled links to all the partner promotions and lateral moves announced by America's largest law firms during the past week in an easy-to-scan format. You'll also find must-read analysis, rankings, trends, etc. about large law firms.

We'd like to congratulate everyone who leveled up this week. Here's a sampling:

Former Solicitor General Don Verrilli Joins Munger Tolles to Open DC Office

Cadwalader Announces Practice Group Leadership Changes

Curtis Promotes 4 New Partners in Its New York and Washington, D.C. Offices

Dentons Announces New US Leadership

Kirkland & Ellis Announces New Partners

Congratulations to Gerry Riskin of Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices on winning our BiglawWorld Pick of the Week award: When Should You Respond to an RFP?.

How to Receive BiglawWorld
BiglawWorld keeps you apprised of lateral hires, internal promotions, mergers, new offices, accolades, and other inside baseball at America's largest law firms. Because we organize this self-reported news by practice area and law firm, BiglawWorld takes just a few minutes to scan yet its comprehensiveness makes it the only source you need. Each issue of BiglawWorld also links to insightful articles, statistical reports, rankings, podcasts, and videos about large law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: BiglawWorld | Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Is Lawyer Blogging a Waste of Time? Plus 39 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 40 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Dustin Sanchez of GPSolo on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Is Lawyer Blogging a Waste of Time?

How Hiding Money Pays Off

When Should a Lawyer Take on Pro Bono Work?

How Marketing Automation Saves You Time and Money

Should Your Firm Have a Newsletter?

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

12 Problems Lurking in Your Email Plus 46 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 47 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Gregory Binstock of Above the Law on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: 12 Problems Lurking in Your Email

Four Reasons Why Small-Firm Lawyers Minimize Pro Bono Work

Solos Bill Only 2 Hours a Day but What Does This Mean?

Eight Before-And-After Law Firm Website Makeovers

One Secret for Ranking Well on Google

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

How Solos Differ From Small-Firm Lawyers Plus 42 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 43 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Robert Ambrogi of Above the Law on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How Solos Differ From Small-Firm Lawyers

When Is the Right Time to Narrow Your Focus?

Cognitive Bias in Legal Decision-Making

Choosing Ghostwriters, Blogging, and Social Media Service Providers

Answer These 20 Questions to Develop Your Law Firm's Social Media Strategy

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Thomson Reuters Legal Business Development Solutions Connects Internal and External Data to Identify Opportunities

By Neil J. Squillante | Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers client relationship management (CRM) software that connects to external data sources to help you identify opportunities and gain a competitive edge (see article below). In addition, you'll find links to the previous 11 TL NewsWire features, including our coverage of practice management software that automates trust requests, a virtual desktop service with enhanced security, a Word add-in for analyzing contracts and finding errors, case analysis software for litigation matters, legal project management software, and much more. Don't miss the next issue.

A recent study by research firm Gartner found an alarming "data gap" in customer relationship management (CRM) software. For example, a law firm of 500 lawyers has 35,840 contacts with out-of-date information in its CRM software, and fails to capture 76,800 contacts entirely. Even worse, the data in CRM software lacks access to external data sources such as court dockets to provide insights. This data gap results in missed opportunities in an era of slowing law firm growth.

Thomson Reuters Legal Business Development Solutions … in One Sentence

Thomson Reuters Legal Business Development Solutions integrates Business Development Premier and Monitor Suite to automate CRM data capture and provide insights from external data sources such as Westlaw.

The Killer Feature

Business Development Premier's optional integration with Monitor Suite's Intelligence Center demonstrates the benefits of blending internal and external data. For example, you can analyze your firm's litigation matters by jurisdiction. This enables you to see where you've done work for a given client. More importantly, you can identify jurisdictions where you have significant experience and where a client has litigated but not hired you. Similarly, jurisdictions where you've never done work may reveal merger and lateral hiring opportunities.

Another widget shows trends over time — both your matters and those of your competitors. You can view the percentage of a client's litigation matters you handle versus the share your competition gets. Another tool lists all the news coverage of your litigation matters, which may identify friendly journalists to engage with.

Other Notable Features

Business Development Premier uses Microsoft Dynamics CRM for its traditional CRM functions. It collects data automatically from Microsoft Exchange, Elite Time & Billing, Thomson Reuters information services, and other such sources to eliminate the data gap noted above.

For example, it automatically harvests from email, calendars, and address books in Exchange accounts to identify new contacts and update existing contacts. It even parses email signatures. The patented Relationship Classification and Relationship Strength algorithms identify colleagues who have a relationship with a given contact and the strength of each relationship respectively.

The Corporate and Executive Insights accessible from Business Development Premier arm you with information that can persuade prospects and clients. Someone you know may receive a promotion to senior management or become a director of a public company. Or perhaps you want to connect with Prospect A and find through Business Development Premier that Person B who knows Colleague C at your firm serves on the same board as Prospect A. Now you have a path to meet Prospect A.

These connections sometimes occur in your head, but Business Development Premier can significantly amplify them because software is better at crunching so-called "big data" than human memory. In addition to identifying sales and merger opportunities, Business Development Premier can also help fine-tune attorney bios across your firm, unearth cross-selling opportunities, and find colleagues with relevant experience when building a client team.

What Else Should You Know?

Your web browser offers the best way to experience the many charts and tables Business Development Premier provides. However, the free mobile app offers a subset of data designed for what you're likely to need on your tablet or mobile phone when out of the office. With the mobile app, you can record activities, manage contact lists, obtain insights like those described in this article, and access data from Elite applications such as 3E and MatterSphere. Learn more about Thomson Reuters Legal Business Development Solutions.

How to Receive TL NewsWire
So many products, so little time. In each issue of TL NewsWire, you'll learn about five new products for the legal profession. Pressed for time? The newsletter's innovative articles enable lawyers and law office administrators to quickly understand the function of a product, and zero in on its most important features. The TL NewsWire newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TL NewsWire

Roundup of iPhone 7 Reviews Plus 67 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Monday, September 19, 2016

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected the 68 best legal technology articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week. BlawgWorld is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Ben Lovejoy of 9to5Mac on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: Roundup of 10 iPhone 7 Reviews

Replenish Trust Accounts and Track Marketing Efforts

The Best Battery Life Laptops of 2016

The 28 Best Hidden iOS 10 Features

ILTA Survey Shows That Law Firms Purchase Lots of iPhones and iPads

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of both legal technology and mainstream technology of interest to the legal profession. But not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy legal and mainstream technology articles (and podcasts and videos) published elsewhere without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Seven Ways a Niche Helps Your Firm Plus 40 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 41 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Anna H. Rappaport of The National Law Review on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Seven Ways a Niche Helps Your Firm

Thinking of Stiffing a Referring Attorney?

Why It Is a Bad Idea to Accept and Pay Referral Fees

Law Blogs Are Publications, Not a Portion of a Website

The Top 25 Law Firm Website Cliches to Avoid Part 1

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

How I'm Managing High Growth at My Law Firm Plus 45 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 46 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Rich Sierra of Lawyernomics on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How I'm Managing High Growth at My Law Firm

An Attorney Compensation System

How Much Money Can You Make in Different Practice Areas?

Our 15-Year-Old Firm Has 275 Years of Experience

Sharing Legal Information Online Isn't Giving Away the Store

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

How I Cope With Technophobe Lawyers Plus 36 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 37 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Lee Rosen of Divorce Discourse on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How I Cope With Technophobe Lawyers

Don't Let Clients Play the Waiting Game

Which of These 30 Elements of Customer Value Do You Offer Your Clients?

Google SEO Penalty for Chat Pop-ups Coming?

Five Tips for Getting Your Website Found in a Local Search

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Four Steps to Convert Inbound Leads to Appointments Plus 43 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 44 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Stephen Fairley of The National Law Review on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Four Steps to Convert Inbound Leads to Appointments

Here's How to Get Lucky

Succession Planning Part 1

Not Getting New Business Online? Try These 8 Practical Ideas

Honoring the Fastest Growing Law Firms (Podcast)

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession
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