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Will This Partnership Thrive? Plus 33 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 34 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Lee Rosen of Divorce Discourse on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Will This Partnership Thrive?

To the Doers Go the Spoils

Chapman Spingola's New Office Space

How to Choose a Law Firm Website Hosting Provider

Mobile Is Not a Trend; It's Here to Stay

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Outsource Scanning to Go Paperless Faster Plus 46 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 47 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Marc Davis of ABA Journal on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Outsource Scanning to Go Paperless Faster

Emails and Client Expectations

Four Big-Picture Trends to Watch in a Roiling Market

I Just Launched a New Website and My Search Rankings Tanked

Simple Steps for Content Generation

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

Guide to Hiring Contract Attorneys Plus 45 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 46 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Lawyers Mutual on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Guide to Hiring Contract Attorneys

Digital Nomad Managing Partner After One Year

Tax Saving Strategies for Solo and Small Firm Owners

The Growing Influence of Online Lawyer Reviews

Top 10 Errors Lawyers Make on Social Media

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

What's Hot and Not in the Legal Industry Plus 50 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 51 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Bob Denney of Attorney at Work on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: What's Hot and Not in the Legal Industry

Cyber Insurance for Law Firms

Five Rules of a Paperless Law Firm

Which Networking Software Is Best?

Social Media 101 for Lawyers

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Networking/Operating Systems | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Review of Avvo by a Legal Services Consumer Plus 39 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 40 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

A Potential Impediment to Growth, Culture, and Client Development

Butler Rubin Saltarelli & Boyd's Office Space

The 30-Second Website Fix That Changes Everything

Seven Ways Bad UX is Killing Your SEO (And How to Fix It)

Congratulations to J.R. Bookwalter of Macworld on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Review of Avvo by a Legal Services Consumer

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

How Davis Wright Tremaine Uses Twitter Plus Last Week's Inside Baseball

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Coming today to BiglawWorld: Our editorial team has assembled links to all the partner promotions and lateral moves announced by America's largest law firms during the past week in an easy-to-scan format. You'll also find must-read analysis, rankings, trends, etc. about large law firms.

We'd like to congratulate everyone who leveled up this week. Here's a sampling:

John S. Beulick Elected Managing Partner of Armstrong Teasdale

Goulston & Storrs Appoints New Co-Chairs to Litigation and Corporate Practice Groups

Segal McCambridge Announces 2016 Executive Committee

Benesch's Growth Continues Through the Recent Key Addition of Six New Attorneys

Jones Day Opens Minneapolis Office and Welcomes Three New Partners

Former Department of Labor Lawyer Tammy Daub Joins Paul Hastings

Congratulations to Mark Fefer of Big Law Business on winning our BiglawWorld Pick of the Week award: How Davis Wright Tremaine Uses Twitter.

How to Receive BiglawWorld
BiglawWorld keeps you apprised of lateral hires, internal promotions, mergers, new offices, accolades, and other inside baseball at America's largest law firms. Because we organize this self-reported news by practice area and law firm, BiglawWorld takes just a few minutes to scan yet its comprehensiveness makes it the only source you need. Each issue of BiglawWorld also links to insightful articles, statistical reports, rankings, podcasts, and videos about large law firms. The BiglawWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BiglawWorld | Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

My Ergonomic Law Office Plus 41 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 42 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

Dilbert Creator's Super-Simple Productivity Approach

Home Is Just a Click Away

Google Launches Tool That Tests Your Website Mobile-Friendliness

Congratulations to Matthew Yospin of Law Technology Today on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: My Ergonomic Law Office

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Furniture/Office Supplies | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Three Negotiating Secrets Plus 39 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 40 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

Have You Done an Expense Audit Lately?

How Much to Pay Your Managing Attorney

Nine Questions to Ask Before Creating Another Social Media Account

Are Lawyers Relying on a False Premise to Buy .law, .lawyer and .attorney Domains?

Congratulations to Traci Brown of Attorney at Work on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Three Body Language Secrets to Use When Negotiating

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

LexisNexis Newsdesk Reveals Hidden Trends in the Media Coverage You Care About

By Neil J. Squillante | Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers a business intelligence tool for monitoring news and social media about your clients, competitors, practice areas, and more (see article below), a cloud accounting and practice management app with features for midsize law firms, and two marketing automation apps. Don't miss the next issue.

Media coverage has exploded. In theory, you now have greater insight into your clients, competitors, practice areas, key industries, and other news related to your work. In practice, finding this information would consume all your time, leaving you no time to work. This is a job for a media analysis tool.

LexisNexis Newsdesk … in One Sentence

LexisNexis Newsdesk is a business intelligence solution for monitoring and analyzing news and social media.

The Killer Feature

LexisNexis Newsdesk enables you to stay on top of relevant news through a web dashboard, email alerts, email newsletters, and SharePoint. The service gives you access to more than four million articles and posts daily, including LexisNexis exclusive sources such as Law360, The American Lawyer, The National Law Journal, and The Wall Street Journal.

In addition, LexisNexis Newsdesk includes prominent blogs such as Above the Law, social media services such as Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit, and popular website forums. You can add any RSS feed for personal blogs and other publications not in LexisNexis Newsdesk but which nevertheless publish important information.

"Current awareness and deep insights into facts and trends are essential as practitioners weigh risks and make decisions for their clients," LexisNexis Managing Director of the North American Research Solutions Sean Fitzpatrick tells us. "LexisNexis Newsdesk harnesses the power of big data analytics to create the most conclusive picture of your topic by delivering vital intelligence drawn from millions of news and social media sources, including top-tier legal media such as Law360."

Other Notable Features

Everyone in your firm can have their own customizable dashboard. Users can access multiple dashboards such as their own and one for their department. In addition to article links, a dashboard can also contain charts for analyzing media coverage. For example, you can show coverage of your firm by journalist and publication. In articles that mention your firm, LexisNexis Newsdesk can show you the "share of voice" — how much prominence your firm received in media coverage. Templates enable you to quickly create new charts.

You begin putting together your dashboard using LexisNexis Newsdesk's Smart Indexing technology, which enables you to drill down to a specific topic by entering terms of interest to you — a client, industry practice area, regulation, etc. This tool shows you related topics to help you pinpoint the exact topic of interest.

Along the right side of the screen, filters or "facets" enable you to fine-tune your dashboard feed. For example, you can include only articles that contain the terms of interest to you in the headline and lead paragraph or contain a minimum number of mentions, and exclude specific sources, industries, etc. You can adjust these settings anytime. For important news, you can create email alerts for instant notification.

LexisNexis Newsdesk has become popular among law librarians who use the Email Manager to create and send customized email newsletters to lawyers in the firm. You can add people to a newsletter one by one or create a group and then add everyone in the group to the newsletter. A newsletter can contain the same feeds as a dashboard. Alternatively, you can add Curated Feeds with handpicked articles. Any articles you choose will automatically be included in the next issue of the newsletter. You can schedule how often to send new issues of the newsletter.

What Else Should You Know?

The Android and iOS apps for LexisNexis Newsdesk enables you to access your dashboard on the go. Learn more about LexisNexis Newsdesk.

How to Receive TL NewsWire
So many products, so little time. In each issue of TL NewsWire, you'll learn about five new products for the legal profession. Pressed for time? The newsletter's innovative articles enable lawyers and law office administrators to quickly understand the function of a product, and zero in on its most important features. The TL NewsWire newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Legal Research | TL NewsWire

The Age of the Law Boutique Plus 44 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 45 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

The Age of the Law Boutique

A Cheap, Easy Way to Gain a True Competitive Advantage

Five Litigation Firm Branding Makeovers

Social Media Guide for Lawyers 3.0

Congratulations to Conrad Saam of Law Technology Today on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How Much Should a Law Firm Website Cost?

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw
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