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Reviews of Epson GT-S50, Naturally Speaking 12, Constant Contact; How to Use WordPerfect and Send People Perfect Word Documents

By Kathryn Hughes | Thursday, May 30, 2013

Today's issue of TL Answers contains these articles:

Mark Olberding, Review: Epson GT-S50 Scanner

Roy Greenberg, Review: Dragon Naturally Speaking 12 Plus Hardware Requirements

Mark Olberding, Tip: How to Use WordPerfect and Send Others Problem-Free Word Documents

Caren Schwartz, Review: Constant Contact

Don't miss this issue — or any future issues.

How to Receive TL Answers
Do you believe in the wisdom of crowds? In TL Answers, TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers. This newsletter's popularity stems from the relevance of the questions and answers to virtually everyone in the legal profession. The TL Answers newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TL Answers

Make Your Web Site Mobile Friendly Tips Plus 117 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 118 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Foxit PhantomPDF 6

Alternatives to Apple's Apps

Five Rules for Lawyers Who Want to Make Big Money

Blogging Tips From Pioneers at SCOTUSBlog and IPWatchdog

Congratulations to Jeff Richardson of BigLaw on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: Five Tips for Creating Your Law Firm's Mobile Web Site

Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Martindale-Hubbell Competitive Essentials: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Friday, May 24, 2013

Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers an iPad app for analyzing your web presence and comparing it to law firms with which you compete (see article below), a WiFi surveillance camera, a searchable online database of tens of thousands of rates for legal services, and software for accessing the file system of iPads and iPhones. Don't miss the next issue.


Having a web site nowadays is just table stakes. For your web site to help you win new clients, it must rank well in Google and other search engines. You should also leverage legal directories and social media. To prevent wasting time and money, you must continually analyze data to identify areas for improvement. Furthermore, online marketing is a zero sum game so you must also keep track of your competitors. Large law firms hire one or more people for their market intelligence needs. By contrast, most small law firms can't afford these salaries. Fortunately, you can track all of this data and more with a new iPad app.

Martindale-Hubbell Competitive Essentials … in One Sentence

Launched in March, Martindale-Hubbell Competitive Essentials enables you to analyze your law firm's web presence, and compare it to that of your competitors.

The Killer Feature

When you open the app, you see a dashboard with all your key metrics. For example, the number of visits to your web site, and Martindale-Hubbell profiles, and Facebook, Twitter, and other social media accounts. At a glance, you can also see your domain authority and search engine rank for key web pages (including inbound links, the most important "signal" Google uses for ranking). If you haven't completed your and Martindale-Hubbell profiles, the dashboard informs you as to how much remains unfinished and provides optimization tips.

Other Notable Features

From this dashboard, you can begin drilling down further. For example, you can see how your web site ranks on Google for keyword searches (e.g., Hamptons real estate lawyer). You can also obtain statistics for your social media accounts, and see how many leads you've obtained and their origin.

As its name suggests, Martindale-Hubbell Competitive Essentials enables you to compare your web presence to that of your competitors. You start by finding your competitors and saving them to your account. You can quickly add law firms you already know about, and then find others by searching within your geographic area and by practice areas. Once you create a list of competitors, you can compare all of your statistics (see above) to theirs. Once you know your relative status, you can take action to improve.

"The ability to easily see where your law firm ranks online against your competition can help you understand which aspects of your marketing plan are working well and where you need to engage in some fine-tuning so that you can bring in more new business," LexisNexis Martindale-Hubbell Director, Acquisition Marketing Lydia Pickens told us.

What Else Should You Know?

You can download Martindale-Hubbell Competitive Essentials from the App Store for free. However, the app requires a Professional Profile (as opposed to a free profile) so you'll want to create a Professional Profile first if you don't currently have one before using the app. Learn more about Martindale-Hubbell Competitive Essentials.

How to Receive TL NewsWire
So many products, so little time. In each issue of TL NewsWire, you'll learn about five new products for the legal profession. Pressed for time? The newsletter's innovative articles enable lawyers and law office administrators to quickly understand the function of a product, and zero in on its most important features. The TL NewsWire newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TL NewsWire

Better Than Two Monitors; Reviews of MailChimp, Acrobat Pro; Dragon Tips

By Kathryn Hughes | Thursday, May 23, 2013

Today's issue of TL Answers contains these articles:

Ted Palmer, Better and Bigger Than Two Monitors

Stephen Rudman, Review: MailChimp

Todd Hendrickson, Review: Acrobat Pro for Bates Stamps and Redaction

Roy Greenberg, Tips for Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking

Don't miss this issue — or any future issues.

How to Receive TL Answers
Do you believe in the wisdom of crowds? In TL Answers, TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers. This newsletter's popularity stems from the relevance of the questions and answers to virtually everyone in the legal profession. The TL Answers newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Monitors | TL Answers

Five Tips for Creating Your Law Firm's Mobile Web Site — Plus Prominent Firms Explain Why They're Not the Next Dewey

By Jeff Richardson | Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Originally published on June 5, 2012 in our free BigLaw newsletter. Instead of reading BigLaw here after the fact, sign up now to receive future issues in realtime.

According to Law Firm Mobile, only 19% of AmLaw 200 law firms have mobile-friendly web sites. Most of your clients now have smartphones so it's time to get started on a mobile web site. Fortunately, iPhone for lawyers expert Jeff Richardson is a partner at Adams and Reese, one of the 19% with a mobile web site. In this issue of BigLaw, Jeff offers five tips based on his firm's experience creating its mobile web site. His tips encompass design, content, and new technologies such as media queries. As an added bonus, Jeff also discusses whether your firm also needs a smartphone app in addition to a mobile web site. Also, don't miss the BigLaw Pick of the Week (newsletter only) for an article that analyzes several prominent law firms, all of which explain why they're not the next Dewey.


In 1995, I was one of the attorneys at my law firm responsible for creating our first web site. Few large law firms even had web sites. Netscape Navigator 1.0, the first commercial web browser, was just a few months old at the time so these were early days. However, we knew then that the Internet was here to stay so we wanted to make it easy for current and potential clients using this new medium to learn about our firm and its attorneys.

We wanted our web site accessible to all, so we made sure that the main page would look good on a VGA monitor with dimensions of 640 x 480 pixels. (By comparison, today a typical 24 inch display has 1920 x 1200 pixels.) We also included a link to a text-only version of the web site since some of our clients were using used text-only web browsers like Lynx. Even those with Netscape Navigator might prefer fast text versus images that took time to download over slow dialup connections.

Today, all large law firms have a web site, most of which are designed to take advantage of a large monitor and which feature graphics, photos, videos, and other rich media. Meanwhile, many clients use devices such as iPhones or iPads that have smaller screens and cannot handle some of the technologies such as Flash used on "modern" web sites.

The solution to this changing behavior is to create a mobile version of your web site. Just as most large firms didn't have a web site at all in 1995, most large law firms today lack a mobile web site. Law Firm Mobile looked at AmLaw 200 web sites a few months ago, and found that only 37 (19%) had a version formatted for mobile devices.

Accessibility remains central to our firm's philosophy about our web site. Accordingly, we created a mobile version of our web site in 2011. Based on that experience and what I've seen elsewhere, this issue of BigLaw contains five tips for making your law firm web site mobile-friendly.

1. Small but Well-Designed

Obviously, you want a professional-looking layout that fits a small smartphone screen. The iPhone 3GS (like earlier iPhone models) has a 480 x 320 pixel screen. That is a good target size.

More current smartphones such as the iPhone 4S have larger pixel ratios (e.g., 960 x 640), but rather than display more information they display the same information at a higher pixel density (the iPhone's retina display has 326 pixels per inch). Therefore, a mobile site designed with 480 x 320 pixels as a baseline will look good on more modern smartphones too.

One caveat however. Make sure your graphic designer understands how to prep photos and other graphics so that they will look sharp rather than fuzzy on smartphones that have a high pixel density.

Using the free Wayback Machine, you can see old versions of many web sites, including law firm web sites created in the 1990s. Many of the same design philosophies used to create web sites over 15 years ago are once again useful today when designing a version of your law firm web site that looks great on a mobile device (except for the graphics as noted above).

2. Keep It Simple and Make Key Information Easily Accessible

Clients typically won't access your web site from an iPhone to learn everything about your firm. Focus on the key items they will likely want to find on the go, especially attorney profiles with phone numbers and email addresses plus the addresses of each of your firm's locations.

Clients meeting a lawyer for the first time may use a mobile device to see what they look like, so include a photograph with each bio that either scales without getting blurry when zoomed (see above) or links to a larger version.

The home page of your mobile web site should contain obvious links to these key items. If you want to also include news, practice areas, etc. that's fine but don't let it get in the way of the simple information people are most likely to seek from a mobile device.

3. Keep the Information Updated, Preferably Automatically

Ideally, you want to use the same database (content management system) so that as information changes on your main web site, it changes on the mobile site at the same time.

4. Link to the Full Website and Don't Use Plugins

Sometimes a client might want to access the full version of your web site even on a small mobile device. Give the client the option to click a link to view the full web site.

Also, if you can avoid the use of Adobe Flash and other plugins that don't work on mobile devices, you should do so. If not, provide an alternative way to see the same information.

For example, have you ever tried to access a restaurant web site from your iPhone, only to discover the that web site is created entirely in Adobe Flash? This is frustrating when you want to see a menu or make a reservation — so much so that you might just pick a different restaurant. Don't frustrate existing or prospective clients.

5. Better Yet, Use Media Queries

The previous section discusses the importance of enabling people to access your entire site. The mobile web design world evolves fast. While too late for our firm, you should explore a new technology called media queries or responsive web design, which enables you to create a single web site that automatically adjusts depending on the width of the web browser.

In other words, you don't create a separate mobile site, but instead different styles for different widths (typically 3-5 styles). The advantage is that the URL of each page on your site is the same so if someone bookmarks a page on their iPhone and then views it on their PC later they will not see the mobile version but the full site. The Boston Globe uses media queries. You can find many examples on a site aptly named Media Queries.

For further reading on this topic:

Kayla Knight, Responsive Web Design: What It Is and How To Use It, Smashing Magazine, January 12, 2011

Google, Responsive Design: Harnessing the Power of Media Queries, April 30, 2012

Ethan Marcotte, Responsive Web Design (2011)

What About an App?

Apple loves to tell us that "there's an app for that," but your law firm probably doesn't need an app. Law Firm Mobile recently reported that only 16 of the AmLaw 200 firms have mobile apps. Nobody loves iPhone apps more than me, but I see little need to increase that number.

Developing a quality app and keeping it updated requires time and money. So will your mobile web site. You need to answer the question of why an existing or potential client would bother to download your law firm app instead of just using your mobile web site. One possible answer is to access information on a plane or elsewhere without Internet access, but how common a use case is that? Also, creating an app that works offline increases its costs.

If you must have an app, consider offering something different from your web site that a client would find useful. For example, Latham & Watkins produced three free "The Book of Jargon" apps that include definitions of business terms used in European capital markets and bank finance, project finance, and corporate and bank finance. Read my review on iPhone J.D.

These apps are useful so clients have a reason to download them, plus they demonstrate to potential clients that the firm understands these areas of law.

How to Receive BigLaw
Large and midsize law firms have achieved unprecedented success yet they still have tremendous growth potential. Written by insiders, corporate counsel, and other industry experts, BigLaw unearths best practices in leadership, marketing, strategy, and technology, and features detailed product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. BigLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to insightful articles (and podcasts and videos) about large and midsize law firms, as well as notable press releases issued by the world's largest law firms. The BigLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BiglawWorld | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites

Review of Three iPad Word Processors Plus 123 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 124 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Go Paperless Faster Than Ever

Review: Seven Mobile iPad Stands

How to Become a Master of the Legal Universe

Rainmaking in Dry Times

Congratulations to Walt Mossberg of AllThingsD on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: A Comparative Review of Three iPad Word Processors

Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Document Management | Gadgets/Shredders/Office Gear | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management

The Best iPad Keyboard Case Plus 136 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 124 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Take Control of Printing Costs

A Lawyer's Briefcase Then and Now

Five Steps for Using LinkedIn For Recruiting

Ideas for Riding on LegalZoom's Coattails

Congratulations to Seamus Bellamy of The Wirecutter on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: The Best iPad Keyboard Case

Today's issue also contains links to every article in the May 2013 issue of Law Practice Today. Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Gadgets/Shredders/Office Gear | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management

Managing Multiple Cloud Accounts Plus May/June 2013 Issue of Law Practice Plus 151 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 152 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Tips for Successful Legal Technology Projects

Review: Canon imageFormula P-208 Scan-tini

Tips for Lawyer Road Warriors

Want More Clients for Your Law Firm?

Congratulations to Jack Wallen of TechRepublic on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: Reviews of Five Apps to Manage Multiple Cloud Accounts

Today's issue also contains links to every article in the May/June 2013 issue of Law Practice. Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | TL Answers

A New Approach to Tracking Billable Hours Plus 159 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Monday, April 15, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 151 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Three Game Changing Products at ABA TECHSHOW 2013

Review: Status Board

Seven Lawyers Weigh in on Starting a Law Firm

How to Write a Persuasive Email Message

Congratulations to Robert J. Ambrogi of LawSites on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: A New Approach to Tracking Billable Hours

Today's issue also contains links to every article in the April 2013 issue of Law Practice Today. Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Archiving Outlook Email; Document Naming and Retention; Working With Two Documents; Review of MailChimp; HotDocs 11; Much More

By Kathryn Hughes | Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today's issue of TL Answers contains these articles:

Ted Palmer, The Shortcomings of Outlook Add-Ons for Archiving Client-Related Email

Wayne Pierce, Integrating Your Document Naming Rules With Your Retention System

Darren Cantor, Tip: How to Display Two Documents Side by Side on One or Two Monitors

Durand OMeara, Review: MailChimp

Don't miss this issue — or any future issues.

How to Receive TL Answers
Do you believe in the wisdom of crowds? In TL Answers, TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers. This newsletter's popularity stems from the relevance of the questions and answers to virtually everyone in the legal profession. The TL Answers newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Document Management | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Monitors | TL Answers
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