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Why Clients Question Bills Plus 43 More Must-Reads

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 44 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Allison C. Shields of Legal Ease Blog on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Client is Questioning a Legal Bill: Can This Relationship Be Saved?

Six Law Firm Management Fails You Need to Avoid

Just Say No to "No Charge" Invoice Items

How to Turn Your Law Firm Website Into a User Converting Machine

Lawyers Cannot Land Kudos or Be Cited Without Twitter Account

MailChimp Wants to Solve Every Small-Biz Marketing Challenge (Even Snail Mail)

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

Altman Weil 2017 Law Firms in Transition Survey Plus Lateral Moves and Promotions (Jun 12 to Jun 25)

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Coming today to BiglawWorld: Our editorial team has assembled links to all the partner promotions and lateral moves announced by America's largest law firms during the past week in an easy-to-scan format. You'll also find must-read analysis, rankings, trends, etc. about large law firms.

We'd like to congratulate everyone who leveled up this week. Here's a sampling:

Morgan Lewis Elects 31 New Partners

Five Attorneys Join Winston & Strawn in Silicon Valley

Hogan Lovells Combines With Collora, Adding Boston Office

Former Asst. U.S. Attorney General for DOJ Tax Division Kathy Keneally Joins Jones Day in New York

Former White House Counsel Jack Quinn Joins Manatt

Congratulations to Altman Weil on winning our BiglawWorld Pick of the Week award: Altman Weil 2017 Law Firms in Transition Survey.

How to Receive BiglawWorld
BiglawWorld keeps you apprised of lateral hires, internal promotions, mergers, new offices, accolades, and other inside baseball at America's largest law firms. Because we organize this self-reported news by practice area and law firm, BiglawWorld takes just a few minutes to scan yet its comprehensiveness makes it the only source you need. Each issue of BiglawWorld also links to insightful articles, statistical reports, rankings, podcasts, and videos about large law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: BiglawWorld | Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

How Much Does It Cost to Start a Law Firm? Plus 49 More Must-Reads

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 50 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Jared Correia of Attorney and Work on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How Much Does It Cost to Start a Law Firm?

Ready to Slay the Email Dragon? Try These 10 Tips

Meet the Lawyers Designing Tomorrow's Practice Models

Cyber Insurance and Information Security

A Stepwise Approach to Tackling CRM and Marketing Automation

Internet Marketing Lead Generation Ecosystem

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

The Five Microsoft Word Styles You Need to Modify Plus Sales v. Marketing

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Coming today to SmallLaw: Back in the 1990s, Microsoft lavished attention on the legal industry. Not anymore. To improve Microsoft Word, you must take matters into your own hands. And Microsoft Word expert Deborah Savadra is here to help. In this issue of SmallLaw, she walks you through five legal-specific changes to Word's default Styles that will enable you to format briefs and other documents much more quickly. Also, don't miss the SmallLaw Pick of the Week to learn about the difference between sales and marketing.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Written by practicing lawyers who manage successful small firms and legal technology and practice management experts who have achieved rock star status, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in small law firms, as well as comprehensive legal product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles (and podcasts and videos) about solo practices and small law firms. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | SmallLaw

First Look at White & Case's New Office Plus Lateral Moves and Promotions (May 29 to Jun 11)

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Coming today to BiglawWorld: Our editorial team has assembled links to all the partner promotions and lateral moves announced by America's largest law firms during the past week in an easy-to-scan format. You'll also find must-read analysis, rankings, trends, etc. about large law firms.

We'd like to congratulate everyone who leveled up this week. Here's a sampling:

Holland & Knight Adds High-Profile Litigation Team in Portland

McCarter Adds Two Prominent Product Liability Partners

Former U.S. Sen. David Vitter Joins Butler Snow in Louisiana

Prominent Media Lawyer Charles Tobin Joins Ballard Spahr

Mass Torts ‘Star’ Gaudreau Joins Greenberg Traurig’s Pharma, Med Device & Health Care Litigation Practice in NY

Congratulations to Joe Patrice of Above the Law on winning our BiglawWorld Pick of the Week award: White & Case Has Built The New 'Modern' Law Firm Office — And It's Awesome.

How to Receive BiglawWorld
BiglawWorld keeps you apprised of lateral hires, internal promotions, mergers, new offices, accolades, and other inside baseball at America's largest law firms. Because we organize this self-reported news by practice area and law firm, BiglawWorld takes just a few minutes to scan yet its comprehensiveness makes it the only source you need. Each issue of BiglawWorld also links to insightful articles, statistical reports, rankings, podcasts, and videos about large law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: BiglawWorld | Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Why Law Firm Social Media Is a Waste of Time Plus 36 More Must-Reads

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 37 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Jayne Navarre of Virtual Marketing Officer on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Law Firm Social Media Is a Waste of Time, and Here's Why

Sometimes You Have to Say "No"

Recognize and Prevent the Threat of Violence

Thought Leadership Marketing: Five Benefits for Firms

LinkedIn Profile Helps Draw Bar Discipline

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

Reviews of Squarespace, Logitech K810, Needles; Switching From Amicus Attorney; Utility of Number Pad

By TechnoLawyer | Friday, June 9, 2017

Today's issue of TL Serendipity contains these articles:

Amelia Porges, Review of Squarespace for Law Firm Website

Leonard Benade, Review of Logitech K810 Illuminated Bluetooth Keyboard

Nate Preston, Review of Needles

Edie Owsley-Zimmerman, Tips on Switching From Amicus Attorney

Gar Robbins, How I Use the Number Pad on My Keyboard

Don't miss this issue — or any future issues.

How to Receive TL Serendipity
Our most serendipitous offering (hence its name), TL Serendipity consists of contributions by TechnoLawyer members who have important information to share. You'll no doubt enjoy it because of its mix of interesting topics and genuinely useful knowledge, including brutally honest product reviews and informative how-tos. The TL Serendipity newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Computer Accessories | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Practice Management/Calendars | TL Serendipity

16 Signs of Decay in Your Law Firm Plus 39 More Must-Reads

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 40 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Lee Rosen on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: 16 Ways the Little Things Slow You Down

On-Demand Lawyering Is Our Future: What Will It Look Like?

The Day You Became a Better Writer (Video)

10 Strategies for Getting More Clients With Inbound Links

Understanding Facebook Advertising Metrics

Should Your Law Firm Send an Email Newsletter?

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

These Five SEO Myths Are Killing Your Law Firm's Marketing

By TechnoLawyer | Friday, June 2, 2017

Coming today to SmallLaw: You want your firm's website to rank well. This requires implementing some search engine optimization (SEO) best practices. But not all best practices perform equally well for law firms. In this issue of SmallLaw, SEO expert and legal marketing consultant Emma Hanes exposes five SEO myths that don't work for law firm websites along with five tips that actually do work and merit your time and attention. Also, don't miss the SmallLaw Pick of the Week for a primer on facebook ads for law firms.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Written by practicing lawyers who manage successful small firms and legal technology and practice management experts who have achieved rock star status, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in small law firms, as well as comprehensive legal product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles (and podcasts and videos) about solo practices and small law firms. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | SmallLaw

How We Planned Our Law Firm's Success Plus 35 More Must-Reads

By TechnoLawyer | Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to the 36 best articles, podcasts, and videos from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sampling from today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week. SmallLaw is free so don't miss the next issue — sign up now.

Congratulations to Gerry Riskin of Amazing Firms, Amazing Practices on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Helping Small Firms Grow and Become More Successful

When It Comes to Cybersecurity, Solos Need Best Practices, Not Ethics

The "Pulp Fiction" Technique for Engaging and Persuasive Content

Profitable Speaking Initiatives

How to Work the Room at Networking Events

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Subscribe now for free.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw
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