Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers a popular document management system that now supports Macs via a new application (see article below), an online court rules service that integrates with Outlook, speech recognition software that works within web applications, and a sleep-tracking gadget that works with your iPhone. Don't miss the next issue.

It once took a lot of fortitude to use the Mac in a law firm because virtually all legal software ran on Windows. Initially, this meant that Mac users had to use remote control software to run Windows applications. Later, Mac users could run a virtualized version of Windows. Next, Mac users could access some software using their web browser. Nowadays, actual Mac applications exist.
Worldox for Mac Version 1.15 … in One Sentence
Launched this week, World Software's Worldox for Mac Version 1.15 is a client for accessing the popular document management system Worldox GX3.
The Killer Feature
Worldox for Mac gives Mac users in your law firm access to the core features of Worldox GX3 or Worldox GX3 Cloud. The former runs on a Windows server in your firm. The latter is hosted by World Software, eliminating the need for your own server.
Most notably, Worldox for Mac integrates with Apple Mail and Microsoft Outlook, the most popular Mac email programs. This integration enables you to store email messages and attachments within Worldox GX3 organized by client/matter and whatever other metadata you apply. Also, you can initiate an email message from within Worldox for Mac to send someone a document and instantly store your message within Worldox GX3.
"The new version of Worldox for Mac is a huge breakthrough since it brings the core features of our award-winning document management system to Mac users," World Software Corporation president Ray Zwiefelhofer told us. "Our initial inspiration was the remarkable popularity of the Worldox iPad app released in 2012 and more recently the universal iOS app that brought Worldox to the iPhone. We realized our customers needed support for the Mac too."
Other Notable Features
As alluded to above, when you save email or documents to Worldox GX3 using Worldox for Mac, you create a profile — the essence of a true document management system.
Accordingly, you can search for documents using metadata from these profiles such as author, client, matter, document type, date range, and more. You can also navigate through Worldox GX3's folder system if you know where a document resides. Worldox for Mac also supports full-text searching. To verify that you have found the right document or if you just need a bit of information, you can quickly preview a document rather than open it.
Worldox for Mac supports Check-Out to prevent changes to a document while you work on it, and Check-In to ensure the creation of a new version when you finish. Additionally, you can use Check-Out to create a personal version of a document without preventing others from accessing or changing it.
Favorite Files displays a list of recently-access documents. Other features in Worldox for Mac include copying and moving documents, the ability to revert to a previous version of a document, and Send To integration shortcuts for sending copies of documents outside of Worldox such as Dropbox, USB drives, printers, etc.
What Else Should You Know?
You can also access Worldox GX3 and Worldox GX3 Cloud using the Windows client, the iOS app, and/or Worldox Web Mobile (a module that facilitate access from a web browser). Learn more about Worldox for Mac.
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