Yesterday, longtime fans of our TechnoLawyer NewsWire newsletter witnessed a changing of the guard. For the uninitiated, this newsletter covers new technology products and services of interest to lawyers. You can subscribe here.
In December 2004, after 4.5 years as the author of TechnoLawyer NewsWire, Jennifer Pascoe relinquished her byline to apply to medical school. Over the years, Jennifer built up quite a fanbase among TechnoLawyer members, many of whom would probably be surprised to learn that Jennifer began writing TechnoLawyer NewsWire just one month after graduating from college. Not only is she not a lawyer, but she is not even a legal technologist. But Jennifer is a quick study and very smart, which explains why she did such a great job.
In January, we held a writing competition for those interested in taking over the byline. In the interim, I wrote two issues of the newsletter. Yesterday, we unveiled the winner — Brett Burney. Brett serves as the Legal Practice Support Supervisor at Thompson Hine LLP in Cleveland, Ohio. He also writes for Law Office Computing,, and Cleveland's local newspaper, The Plain Dealer. Additionally, Brett serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of Law Technology News. Welcome to TechnoLawyer, Brett!