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Tabs3 and PracticeMaster: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, March 10, 2005

Below you'll find one of the five articles from today's edition of TechnoLawyer NewsWire:

Help Is on the Way
By Brett Burney
There are moments when each of us feels invincible ... and then we wake up, go to work, and realize we need help — lots of help. Software Technology has heard this cry for help since 1979 when it first introduced Tabs3, its accounting/billing software for law offices. This month, the company released Version 12 of Tabs3 as well as Version 12 of PracticeMaster, its practice management software. As always, these new versions integrate with each other, but can also be used alone. Both versions feature a new XP-like look and feel and sortable column headings, and can output any report or statement to PDF. Among the highlights of Tabs3 is a new Collections Report designed to help you stay on top of accounts receivable. This report can include amount billed, amount paid, percentage paid, remaining balance, contact information, work in progress, billing history, and more. Also noteworthy is an improved system for recording and tracking write-ups, write-downs, and courtesy discounts. For example, time billed is now tracked separately from time worked. PracticeMaster also has its share of new features, including a redesigned e-mail system with improved Outlook integration, multiple signatures, HTML message formatting, the ability to append messages and attachments to client/matter files, and more. PracticeMaster also features a new field for a client photo, a "DropBox" for storing files in use, customizable fee ticklers for routine document assembly tasks, improved Palm OS synchronization, improved searching, a "SnapShot" view for virtually all types of data, and much more. Pricing starts at $295 for Tabs3 and $150 for PracticeMaster with volume licensing available. The company offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee. Learn more about Tabs3 and PracticeMaster.

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Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Practice Management/Calendars | TL NewsWire
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