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Katrina and the Knaves?

By Neil J. Squillante | Friday, September 2, 2005

We have about 234 TechnoLawyer members in the areas impacted by Hurricane Katrina. We hope they're all safe and secure, and we wish them and their fellow citizens the very best in the wake of this tragedy. Now, for a rant. The shocking video footage of New Orleans looks like that from a third world country, not the United States. No offense to third world countries, but our financial and intellectual resources should have prevented the failure of the levee system. New Orleans is simply too important a city for second-rate civil engineering. This year, Hoover Dam celebrates its 70th anniversary. Clearly, the ability to hold back massive amounts of water has existed for many years. Yet once again we find ourselves facing a preventable tragedy with costs (economic and, tragically, human) that will far exceed the preventive measures we could have taken. Read more.

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