I started TechnoLawyer when I turned 30. Back then, people like Wells Anderson, Dennis Kennedy, Ross Kodner, etc. were the young guns of legal technology. These pioneers continue to educate thousands of legal professionals here in TechnoLawyer and at trade shows like the just-finished LegalTech. But I'm growing concerned by the lack of new faces. Where are the new young guns of legal technology? Jason Havens is one. Who else will carry the torch? And who will preside over TechnoLawyer when I step down someday?
About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.