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Review: Ergonomic Split Keyboards; Microsoft Natural

By Sara Skiff | Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Tom Raftery, Review: Ergonomic Split Keyboards; Microsoft Natural

TechnoLawyer asked:
"What advice can you give TechnoLawyer subscribers considering an ergonomic split keyboard? These keyboards always seem to generate praise, but do they have any drawbacks?"

After a shoulder operation ten years ago my left arm was in a brace. The only keyboard I could use was the split variety which I would prop up on the brace for my left hand. After the brace came off I continued to use the split keyboards. They are by far easier on the wrists and, in my case, the shoulders. I have tried several, but my favorite is still the Microsoft Natural Keyboard with the bevy of buttons above the function keys. I believe that Microsoft discontinued the version that I use, so I find them in various places who still have them in stock.

Thomas J. Raftery
Carlisle, MA

[Publisher's Note: Learn more about Microsoft's Natural Keyboard series. — Sara Skiff]

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