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Evolution Bytes: Newton Superior to its Progeny

By Neil J. Squillante | Monday, August 7, 2006

Picture this — you're the product manager of Samsung's new Q1 ultra-mobile tablet PC. You're feeling pretty good. After all, the Q1 does everything a laptop can do in a smaller form factor.

But then CNET UK has to go and spoil your day by publishing a 10 page (!) head-to-head review comparing the Q1 to the Apple Newton MessagePad 2000, which was released in 1997. Even worse, CNET crowns Newton the winner, especially regarding battery life, reliability, and price! Kudos to CNET UK for a truly fun read.

From the article: "It was always going to be a tough fight as the Samsung Q1 punches well above the Newton's weight," said Chris. "But the Newton has 12 times the battery life of the Q1, so ended up winning the fight with sheer stamina.  Add to this the Q1's inflated price and it's a no-brainer. They may be ten years apart, but the Newton still wipes the floor with the Origami project."

Read the article.

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