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TL NewsWire Scraps: Futurephone, Optimus Keyboard, BackFence

By Neil J. Squillante | Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Sometimes we come across products or services that we cannot cover in TechnoLawyer NewsWire for various reasons — not enough features for a 250 word article, stuck in perpetual beta, not legal-specific enough, etc. Nonetheless, you may find some of these products of interest so here is a list:

Futurephone: Free international calls. My grandmother uses it to call the old country (Italy).

Optimus Keyboard: A keyboard with display screens on each key, enabling you to customize the keys. Insanely great! Unfortunately, we've had this product in our queue for more than a year. It's vaporware.

BackFence: Small town news and gossip (currently in California, Illinois, Maryland, and Virginia). Bo Peabody tried to serve small towns with StreetMail during Web 1.0. It didn't work then and I don't think it'll work now — and I know a thing or two about online communities (now called social networks). Besides, Craigslist will eventually serve every town in the country. Game over.

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Topics: Computer Accessories | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Online/Cloud | TL Editorial
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