I've read the Harvard Business Review for years. Rarely have I come across articles applicable to legal practice. So imagine my surprise when I picked up the December 2006 issue and found two articles worthy of your attention.
In Extreme Jobs: The Dangerous Allure of the 70-Hour Workweek, Sylvia Ann Hewlett and Carolyn Buck Luce discuss a new breed of knowledge worker who enjoys working 70-100 hours/week. Lawyers among them, these people are well compensated, but claim that the challenge is more alluring than the money. Apparently, that old saying about how no one on their death bed ever wishes they had spent more time in the office might not be true.
Read the article ($6).
Listen to the podcast (free)
In Lift Outs: How to Acquire a High-Functioning Team, Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams explain how to increase your bottom line through "lift outs" — hiring a team of professionals (such as lawyers) from another firm. Lift outs are less complex than mergers, but have perils of their own. The article discusses the four steps of a successful lift out.
Read the article ($6).
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