By now you've heard about the charges being dropped against the three Duke students. I'm a Duke graduate who disagreed with the decision to put the kibosh on the entire lacrosse program. Forget the team. That was unfair to the fans. Duke's president repeatedly implored us alumni to let the legal system run its course. Fine, but that means innocent until proven guilty.
Incidentally, when I was a student, a lacrosse player dented my car while practicing in the parking lot behind the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. That knucklehead. But I digress.
As we march further into this century, it seems like all the best new talent is on the Internet. For example, take a look at video blogger Mary Katharine Ham's take on the Duke case in which she creatively excoriates the poor lawyering on the part of the prosecution. She's not a lawyer, but she thinks like one. Oh yeah — she recorded this episode in December 2006, four months ago. (Click here if you can't see the video below).
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