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Top 5 Tips for Producing Online Videos for Your Law Firm

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, August 9, 2007


Given my recent appearance on Lawyer2Lawyer to discuss the use of online videos by law firms for client development, I thought I'd share with you the five tips I discussed on the show (actually, I forgot to mention tips #3 and #5 so this post is worth reading even if you listened to the show):

1. Hire a Professional: While you'll probably write the script, hire a professional filmmaker for the other aspects of production. Any film school graduate should have the ability to create a storyboard, direct, and edit.

2. Optimize for Search Engines: When you upload your video to YouTube, carefully write your description with Google searches in mind and link back to your site.

3. Promote Your Video: Apart from making amateur-looking videos, the biggest mistake law firms make is assuming that the project ends when they upload their video to YouTube. Actually, that's the hard work really begins. You must then execute a promotional plan to drive traffic to your video. At the very least, let your clients know about the video and encourage them to send the link to others. Use a publicity tool such as Collactive.

4. Go Local: Consider placing the video on your site as well. While you can use YouTube's embedding code for free, you may not want your site to become a billboard for YouTube. Instead, you can use open source software such as vPIP, which is free. If you want to customize the software as we did, you'll have to spend some money, but not much.

5. Make Sequels Simultaneously: Just as Peter Jackson shot all three Lord of the Rings films simultaneously, you can leverage your investment by producing several videos at the same time for release at different times.

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