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How to Create Vanity Web Addresses

By Neil J. Squillante | Monday, September 17, 2007


Other than your home page, the other Web addresses on your site have suffixes like .htm or perhaps .asp. These are no big deal when you email someone a link, but what about when you're on the phone or at a cocktail party or placing a yellow pages ad, etc. and want to direct someone to a specific landing page instead of your home page? Dot what?

What you need is a vanity Web address — like Fortunately, you can easily create such pages in three steps:

1. Log into your Web server (typically via FTP if hosted by an ISP).

2. Create a folder (directory) at the root level of your Web server and name it with the word you want to use in your vanity Web address after the slash (e.g., "trademarks").

3. Name the Web page that you want people to see at that address "index.htm" and place it inside the folder. (If it's an ASP page, name it index.asp, if it's a PHP page, name it index.php, etc.)

You can create an unlimited number of vanity Web addresses in this manner. As you can see, these pages bear the same name as your home page (index.htm), the only difference being that they reside one level deep in their own folder.

Photo by Trevor DeVincenzi.

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