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Dell's Servers, Bill Gates' So-Called Retirement, and Mobile Voice Recognition. What's Your Take?

By Neil J. Squillante | Friday, June 27, 2008


In Servers Become Dell's Comeback Weapon, Business Week profiles a resurgent Dell, clawing its way back to the top by focusing on high-margin servers. We bought two Dell servers seven months ago that have performed well so far. What's your take?

With Bill Gates about to step down (though he will remain chairman so I fail to see his "retirement" as a major event), Computerworld has published its take on his five smartest moves  and his five dumbest moves. Among the dumbest moves, "bungling the antitrust case." What's your take on Bill Gates' career?

Talk about flying under the radar, while many corporate types have bemoaned the lack of voice dialing on the iPhone, Nuance recently demonstrated a prototype application for the iPhone in which you can search Google by voice. The idea is that someday soon you'll search the Web, write email, place calls, etc. on your smartphone with your voice. Take a look at the demos and then weigh in with your take on voice recognition for mobile devices.

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Topics: Desktop PCs/Servers | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial
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