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Amicus Attorney 2010: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today's issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire covers the new editions of a practice management system (see article below), a new social network that integrates with Gmail, an online lawyer video directory, an online discovery project management system, and a VoIP mobile app for BlackBerry and iPhone. Don't miss the next issue.

Work Smarter, Not Harder


Each day has 24 hours. This was true when you were younger. So then why do the days seem shorter as you grow older? Probably because you're busier than ever. You cannot lengthen the day (physics is such a drag), which leaves only one option — work more efficiently. To do that, you'll need a number of software tools, chief among them practice management software.

Amicus Attorney 2010 … in One Sentence
Gavel & Gown's Amicus Attorney 2010 provides you with tools to manage all aspects of your practice, including billing, contacts, calendars, documents, and tasks, as well as collaborate with your colleagues.

The Killer Feature
A lawyer who doesn't use a calendar is like a unicorn — a myth. But not all calendars are created equal. And each year, new versions of practice management software like Amicus Attorney 2010 up the ante.

Both editions of Amicus Attorney 2010 — Premium Edition and Small Firm Edition — have a number of new calendar features that Gavel & Gown describes as "smarter calendaring."

For example, you can color code appointments and tasks based on categories such as client work, court, arbitration, closing, etc. As deadlines for tasks approach, they can automatically attain a higher priority.

Smarter calendaring also refers to convenience through aggregation. Appointments and tasks on your calendar can link to related email messages. You can also track adjournment history — see the original and rescheduled dates and the reasons for postponement.

Other Notable Features
Gavel & Gown has also made matter management smarter in both editions. You can set up action items that will automatically occur when you open a new matter. Similarly, you can create "precedents" to create a series of events when opening a new matter. These automated events and tasks ensure that your firm performs all necessary work for each type of case — and that you bill your clients for that work.

Amicus Attorney 2010 offers a number of new collaboration tools. The new Firm Member Availability technology makes it easier to connect with colleagues without wasting time tracking them down. For example, when colleagues schedule a meeting, Amicus Attorney automatically tells you that they're not available. You and your colleagues can also manually set your status and whereabouts much like people do on social networks. The Premium Edition also includes a Workload Indicator so that assigning partners can better distribute work.

Other new features include enhanced document automation tools, the ability to require a conflict check for new clients and matters, and single-click cover letter and envelope printing from a business card.

What Else Should You Know?
Amicus Attorney 2010 Small Firm Edition costs $499 for the first license and $399 for each additional license. The Premium Edition costs $999 for the first license and $599 for each additional license. Learn more about Amicus Attorney 2010

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So many products, so little time. In each issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire, you'll learn about five new products for the legal profession. Pressed for time? The "In One Sentence" section describes each product in one sentence, and the "Killer Feature" section describes each product's most compelling feature. The TechnoLawyer NewsWire newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Practice Management/Calendars | TL NewsWire
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