Today's issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire covers an eDiscovery program designed to shorten the document review process (see article below), two other new litigation support programs, an automated time capture application, and an iPhone app for attending online presentations. Don't miss the next issue.
A Discovery Document Reviewer's Best Friend
What's worse — being laid off or assigned to review discovery documents? That you can now review documents on your computer while lying in bed with your dog and a glass of wine has not exactly transformed it into a desirable activity. In fact, it has become more of a chore than ever thanks to the explosion of electronic documents collected nowadays. Yet it remains a critically important task (mum's the word on that glass of wine). Your dog can't help you, but some new technology can.
iQ Review … in One Sentence
Epiq Systems' iQ Review is an online eDiscovery application designed to shorten the document review process.
The Killer Feature
Litigation has and has not changed. Even in the largest cases you're likely to focus on no more than a few hundred key documents if that. Usually fewer. But the number of documents has skyrocketed so finding that dirty dozen has become incredibly challenging.
iQ Review's Prioritized Review technology enables you to find the relevant documents more efficiently. Someone on your team starts by reviewing a random sample of the entire document collection, and rating the responsiveness of each document.
This process repeats about 20-50 times (15-25 hours) until iQ Review can rank the responsiveness of every document in the collection. At this point, iQ Review re-orders the document collection with the most critical documents to review at the top of the list.
Other Notable Features
iQ Review also incorporates Epiq Systems' eDataMatrix and DocuMatrix technologies.
eDataMatrix enables you to review documents in their native format, eliminating the need to convert to PDF or TIFF formats while preserving metadata.
DocuMatrix offers a number of tools to further shorten document review, including email threading, near-duplicate analysis, and document categorization. DocuMatrix also enables you to monitor the progress of document reviewers and assign projects to them.
What Else Should You Know?
When you finish reviewing your client's documents, DocuMatrix facilitates review by opposing counsel. Learn more about iQ Review.
How to Receive TechnoLawyer NewsWire
So many products, so little time. In each issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire, you'll learn about five new products for the legal profession. Pressed for time? The "In One Sentence" section describes each product in one sentence, and the "Killer Feature" section describes each product's most compelling feature. The TechnoLawyer NewsWire newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.