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LogMeIn Ignition: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Today's issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire covers a remote control app for smartphones and tablets (see article below), an inkjet printer that circumvents traditional drivers, an online research service, an iOS calendar and task management app, and a multi-platform eBook reader and store. Don't miss the next issue.

Mobile Remote Control


Physicists have conducted teleportation experiments with photons, but we remain a long way off from instantly beaming down to Paris from New York for a croissant. Fortunately, when everything resides in the electronic realm, teleportation actually exists — and it's not expensive. In the world of PCs, we refer to teleportation as "remote control." The latest breakthrough in this area? Smartphones and tablets.

LogMeIn Ignition … in One Sentence
LogMeIn Ignition for iPad and iPhone enables you to control any PC from any Apple iOS device.

The Killer Feature
Traditionally, remote control has required a computer. In certain situations, even a laptop can prove cumbersome so there's a demand for remote control for more portable devices.

LogMeIn has answered the call with Ignition, its new universal app for iOS devices — namely, Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. The company added iPad support in April.

"Whether it's accessing an important file back in the office while you are camping in the woods, or showing off the latest picture of the kids you have at home, the iPad with LogMeIn Ignition is the perfect combination for keeping you productive at work and at play," said Andrew Burton, Vice President, Access and Management.

Other Notable Features
The app securely stores your login information so you need not remember your password. You can control an unlimited number of Macs and PCs. Ignition supports a number of common computer functions, including moving the mouse, clicking, scrolling, and dragging, zooming in and out, keyboard combinations, and switching between multiple monitors.

The new version of Ignition features improved rendering of the screens of the computers you access. It also takes advantage of the higher-resolution display of the iPad. You should also notice better performance over both 3G and WiFi networks.

What Else Should You Know?
LogMeIn Ignition costs $29.99 on the iTunes App Store. You can use it with either a LogMeIn Free or Pro account. Learn more about LogMeIn Ignition.

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Topics: Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Networking/Operating Systems | Online/Cloud | TL NewsWire
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