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Microsoft Office for Mac 2011: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Eliza Sarasohn | Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Today's issue of TechnoLawyer NewsWire covers an office suite for Mac OS X (see article below), an Android-based tablet, a proofreading add-on for Microsoft Word, an Exchange Offline Folder repair tool, and an iPhone app for storing passwords and other sensitive information. Don't miss the next issue.

Office Equality

If you've long suspected Microsoft of holding out on Mac users, you're not alone. In a recent story, PCMag speculated that Microsoft deliberately created underwhelming editions of Microsoft Office for Mac — most notably the lack of Outlook — in an effort to dissuade would-be Mac users from abandoning Windows. Fortunately, this (unproven) conspiracy may have come to an end with Microsoft's latest release for the Mac.

Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 … in One Sentence
Microsoft Office for Mac 2011 is a software suite for Mac OS X consisting of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook.

The Killer Feature
IT managers have long denied lawyers who want Macs by telling them that no Outlook equivalent exists. Thanks to the new version of Office for Mac, they're going to have come up with a different excuse.

Microsoft has replaced Entourage with Outlook for email, calendar and contacts. Outlook 2011 looks and operates much like Outlook for Windows, including a Conversations view that groups messages, the ability to view your calendar within a meeting invitation, and a unified inbox for multiple accounts.

But Outlook for Mac also incorporates some additional Mac-only features. For example, you can quickly view attachments even if you don't have the original program. Also, Outlook stores your mail and other data in separate files instead of one giant database, which provides better compatibility with OS X's Time Machine backup system and Spotlight search tool. Perhaps most importantly, you can import a Windows PST file.

Other Notable Features
Office for Mac also features a new and improved version of Word, which restores the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming language for cross-platform macros. The publishing mode boasts a reordering feature that enables you to easily drag and drop visual elements like image files or text boxes into position. A new Styles Guide display makes it easier to format paragraphs.

Microsoft has also brought its Ribbon to the Mac along with SharePoint and SkyDrive integration and support for simultaneous editing. If you have SharePoint, you can also use Microsoft's Web version of Office at no additional charge.

What Else Should You Know?
$119. The Home and Business edition costs $199. Microsoft offers additional licensing options — for example, installing Office on multiple computers. Learn more about Microsoft Office for Mac 2011.

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Topics: Business Productivity/Word Processing | TL NewsWire
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