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Inside ABA TechShow 2011 Plus Two Profiles in Disruption

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coming today to TechnoFeature: Restaurants don't exist purely to feed you. They exist so that you can commune with clients, friends, family, lovers, and sometimes even strangers. Similarly, trade shows like ABA TechShow don't exist purely to learn about new products. They enable you to network with the legal technology industry's best and brightest. In this TechnoFeature article, Chicago lawyer and TechShow veteran Mazyar Hedayat bypasses the exhibit floor to reflect on this aspect of TechShow, particularly in light of its 25th anniversary. In doing so, he name drops some luminaries you should connect with, summarizes Professor Lawrence Lessig's keynote speech, and profiles two companies poised to help law firms survive and thrive as the legal services industry becomes increasingly commoditized.

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