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Essential Questions That Will Lead You to the Best Practice Management System for Your Law Firm

By Kathryn Hughes | Thursday, August 11, 2011

Coming today to TechnoFeature: It's time. And it's about time. Your law firm has decided to purchase a practice management system (aka case management system). Now that you've taken the first step, prepare for a long and winding journey — at least if you're smart. If you fail to conduct due diligence you increase the likelihood of a failed rollout of the wrong product. Fortunately for you, lawyer and legal technology and legal writing consultant Josh Auriemma can lead you to the right practice management system for your firm. That's because Josh just successfully completed this journey at his seven-lawyer firm. In this TechnoFeature article, Josh discusses the questions you must ask yourself and the sales representatives with whom you meet, and how to spot hidden costs and red flags such as mobile access. As they say nowadays, follow Josh. He knows the way.

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