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SmallLaw: Leveraging Technology to Run With the Big Boys and Ultimately Leave Them in the Dust

By Clark Stewart | Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Originally published on June 28, 2011 in our free SmallLaw newsletter. Instead of reading SmallLaw here after the fact, sign up now to receive future issues in realtime.

You've got a problem. A big problem. Literally. Large law firms differ from small law firms in one important way — money. They've got it. We don't. They can invest hundreds of thousands into ad campaigns. How nice. For those of us in the trenches, taking grenades from every high school booster ad campaign or restaurant menu designer, advertising is a little less glamorous. Sure we'd love a billboard on every corner and a thirty second spot during primetime, but the Benjamins just ain't there! So what's a small fish to do in a big pond? Quit looking at our small size as a weakness, and recognize our strengths instead! Here's how.

Use Your Non-Billable Time Productively

One area where the lack of size matters is overhead. A small firm could run indefinitely on a large firm's monthly operating budget. Large firms are particularly vulnerable here as they've grown so accustomed to branding campaigns, gourmet cafeterias, and other such amenities for so long that they can't imagine practicing without them. They should at least cut the crappachino machine. But they won't. Their loss, your gain.

Time is on our side. While silent phones are disheartening, realize that because the large firm across town is responding to client emergencies around the clock they don't have time to learn new tricks like how to optimize their Web site for Google, or how to institute a paperless office. They'll just pay the next SEO shark lying in wait for a sucker to swim by — and not get much value for the big bucks they spend.

With your down time, you've made your way through Stephan Spencer, Rand Fishkin, and Jessie Stricchiola's The Art of SEO: Mastering Search Engine Optimization and learned about backlinks, content management systems, keyword-laden URLs, title tags, and more. With the money you saved by going paperless you now have enough scratch to get your Web site up and running. While the large firm lawyer across town just spilled his non-soy low-fat double-caramel latte on his monogrammed custom shirt while reviewing his slam-dunk marketing bill, you just took first place for "Seattle personal injury lawyer" on Google ninja style!

How Technology Created a New Frontier for Small Firms

Technology enabled small law firms to evolve from the primordial soup of big city boutique and small town general practice firms into the next big thing in our industry — more variety than even Darwin could imagine, including virtual practices. (Our ailing economy and the abysmal job prospects for law school graduates have also helped usher in this new era.)

Ten years ago the sole practitioner was revered as a sad little being that either couldn't play nice with the other children or didn't have the grades to get a job in a boutique or large firm. Back then if you wanted to go solo it helped to have a rich relative, preferably deceased. It took money. In my dad's day an electric typewriter was high-tech and the price tag reflected it. A small firm had to weigh the benefits of technology versus its cost.

Today, cost and technology rarely come at odds (except perhaps for those just out of law school). The new cost-benefit analysis focuses on technology versus productivity with a little cost sprinkled on top. For example, if you want to go paperless, buy a scanner for $450ish. Couple your new scanner with Dropbox, or any of the other myriad cloud services, and you've just gone paperless. Now a box of paper will last months rather than days. You will consume ink or toner only for printing court exhibits. Your filing cabinets hit eBay, and you stop sending a monthly check to that offsite storage provider.

Technology also empowers your marketing as intimated above. Before the advent of WordPress you had to understand Web development code such as ASP.Net or PHP if you wanted to create and maintain more than a brochure site. It was tough to learn and expensive to outsource. We were at the mercy of Web designers.

But now that you can register a domain for $10 per year, find great hosting options for under $100 per year, and run WordPress using a professionally-designed theme (I use Headway Themes) to make your site pop, you've got no excuse whatsoever to ignore the trend in our profession.

And what is that trend? That potential clients use Google for everything. Studies show that most folks will search for something before they ask the person sitting next to them. These people are searching for doctors, electricians, and yes even lawyers. And they're looking for answers, not your curriculum vitae. Lawyers publishing articles answering these questions are killing their competition.

What's in My Small Firm Toolbox?

I run a paperless office with a scanner and Dropbox. I ditched the fax machine in favor of an online fax-to-email service. $10 a month. I run using WordPress (free) hosted by Bluehost ($80/year) so I don't have to learn code.

As I discussed extensively in my last SmallLaw column, I use an iPad 2 to remain paperless while in court and for many other mobile tasks. I use Fastcase (free on iPad or iPhone) for legal research, and Google Calendar and Gmail. And thanks to a very gracious offer during a current family hardship I'm having my calls answered by a virtual receptionist via Ruby Receptionist to lighten my load.

I learned how to do all this by reading SmallLaw and TechnoLawyer's other newsletters (I was a fan before I became a columnist) as well legal blogs like iPhone J.D. and Legal Practice Pro. I joined every legal email listserver I could find such as the ABA's Solosez. I also joined my state's criminal defense lawyers group. I now have access to legal marketing, mentoring, and beneficial technology for nothing more than my time!

In short, if you are willing to learn, technology can elevate your practice, enabling you to offer incredible value, once only available from large firms, to your clients at a fraction of the cost, thus beating the big boys at their own game. When that large firm across town shuts its doors, you can buy its crappachino machine at a discount.

Written by Gadsden, Alabama lawyer Clark Stewart.

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Small firm, big dreams. Published first via email newsletter and later here on our blog, SmallLaw provides you with a mix of practical advice that you can use today, and insight about what it will take for small law firms like yours to thrive in the future. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

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