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Barbarians at the Bar: The Case Against the Deregulation of Lawyers

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Coming today to TechnoFeature: Cats and dogs living together may sound like a bad idea, but Brookings Institution economist George Winston has come up with a doozy — the deregulation of lawyers. While having Walmart greeters handle the paperwork for structured finance deals may not sound as bad as having them analyze your MRI, lawyer Liz Kurtz doesn't like it all the same. In this issue of TechnoFeature, Liz discusses the fallout from Winston's recent op-ed piece in the New York Times. She then tackles the related issue of publicly-held law firms, which just became a reality across the pond in the UK. Remember dear subscribers, before you can defeat the enemy you must know the enemy.

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