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Sage Timeslips 2013: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Monday, August 13, 2012

Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers legal billing software (see article below), an ergonomic keyboard, proofreading software for Microsoft Word, and a calculator and an outliner for the iPad. Don't miss the next issue.


Have you ever gone to a pretentious restaurant in which the menu lacks descriptions for words that many of us who didn't attend culinary school don't know? You end up spending 10 minutes searching on your smartphone. And even then you may not figure out whether "scotch bonnett" refers to the chili pepper or the snail (the former as I once learned — the latter is consumed by crabs, not people). Law firm clients often feel just as lost when reviewing their bills. Providing more clarity on your bills can improve your cash flow and client retention.

Sage Timeslips 2013 … in One Sentence
Released last month, Sage Timeslips 2013 is legal billing software.

The Killer Feature
The new version of Timeslips has a number of technologies designed to create bills with greater clarity. For example, you can list billed time using decimals or hours and minutes, and automatically exclude out-of-date charges from appearing on bills if your have clients with defined billing cycles.

Regarding expenses, you can embed scanned images of receipts on your bills (e.g., airfare, hotel, meals, copying, etc.). You can also create standard rates for common expenses (e.g., 15 cents per copy) so that your clients can see your rate on their bills and not just the amount billed.

Other Notable Features
Most events on a lawyer's calendar are billable. And many lawyers also use their calendars for reminders about tasks (e.g., filing deadlines). Timeslips now features an integrated calendar and task manager, enabling you to create time entries directly from events and tasks. The accompanying Triggers technology can remind you about items on your calendar that you haven't billed.

You can share designated calendar items with colleagues so that they're aware of your schedule and whereabouts. The calendar and task manager offer customizable color codes (e.g., color by client) and alerts. Four calendar views exist — List, Day, Week, and Month.

Sage has also added a number of business intelligence features. That's a new buzzword which essentially means using data to gain a deeper insight into your business. For example, the new Average Days to Pay report enables you to forecast your future cash flow by seeing how long it takes your clients to pay.

Other new features include the ability to delete multiple time entries simultaneously, and add notes to prebills. The Timeslips eCenter service enables you to enter time and expenses from any desktop or mobile web browser.

What Else Should You Know?
Pricing starts at $499.99 ($399.99 if you're upgrading) with volume discounts available. Learn more about Sage Timeslips 2013.

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Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | TL NewsWire
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