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The Art of Legal Writing: How to Reveal the Structure of Your Brief or Memo in Your Introduction Plus Ediscovery Bill of Rights

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Originally published in the May 21, 2012 issue of LitigationWorld: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." We all recognize that famous introduction. Can you write similarly effective introductions for your briefs and memos? Yes if you follow the advice of lawyer and legal writing expert Ed Good. In today's issue of LitigationWorld, Ed continues his series on the Art of Legal Writing by discussing the importance of "Revealing" the structure of your briefs and memos, especially in the introduction. You'll learn about the difference between explicit and implicit introductions with examples of both. As usual, you'll want every litigator at your firm to read and heed Ed's advice. Also, don't miss the LitigationWorld Pick of the Week for ediscovery founding father Craig Ball's proposed Ediscovery Bill of Rights (these ain't your father's stipulations).

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