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Digital WarRoom Private Cloud Seeks to Disrupt Ediscovery Software on Price

By Kathryn Hughes | Thursday, March 3, 2016

Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers ediscovery software priced to disrupt the marketplace (see article below), a Bluetooth pen that captures handwritten notes, an iOS audio recording and editing app, and an ediscovery suite with analytics tools for assessing case strength. Don't miss the next issue.

Ediscovery software may conjure up images of Enron-size cases and expensive gatekeepers who talk jargon to keep prices high, but a democratization is underway on several fronts such as price and user experience.

Digital WarRoom Private Cloud 8.8 … in One Sentence

Launched recently, Digital WarRoom Private Cloud 8.8 is an end-to-end ediscovery platform for processing, reviewing, and producing discovery documents.

The Killer Feature

Software has always benefitted from having little marginal cost for each additional unit sold. But only in recent years have both storage and bandwidth also declined in price.

With Digital WarRoom Private Cloud, Digital WarRoom has set out to "disrupt" the ediscovery software industry on price. The service costs $1,995 per month for up to 500 GB of data, access to all features of the software, unlimited cases, training, and support. Each additional gigabyte beyond the 500 GB costs 50 cents.

"As President and General Counsel of Digital WarRoom, it is my goal to shake up the status quo by offering all-in-one enterprise software that is accessible anywhere at a price point that is de facto disruptive," Justin Farmer tells us. "Gone are the days of excessive costs. We are about 100% transparency."

Other Notable Features

You access Digital WarRoom Private Cloud either through a remote desktop app or a web browser. You begin by creating a case, and using a wizard to "ingest" the data you or your client has collected. Processing occurs next, which involves removing garbage files and duplicates, extracting metadata such as document dates, email participants, document authors, etc. You can automate processing by setting up a Policy. Digital WarRoom Private Cloud supports several languages, and includes translation technology so that you can get a sense of documents.

The customizable review environment displays documents and email as they would appear in their native program. You can sort documents by Relevance Score, Custodian, Date, or practically any other parameter. You redact by drawing a box with your mouse. Initially gray so you can still see the material within, the box changes to black when confirmed. You can apply tags such as Nonresponsive, Responsive, Hot, etc. Search tools include fuzzy, proximity, stemming, and synonyms.

A number of advanced tools exist for large data sets. For example, data visualization of email can identify connections you didn't know about. You can also reveal "Who-to-Whom" connections in social media data. Gist, the company's predictive coding technology, runs in the background. If you mark a document responsive, Gist functions much like Amazon (you may find these documents responsive too). It does this by scoring documents from -100 to +100 based on your designations. For an added charge, you can use Gist to automate these designations once it has acquired enough data from your manual review to finish the job with a satisfactory confidence level.

Digital WarRoom Private Cloud includes a number of reports, chief among them the Document Control Log and Privilege Log. The former lists all the activity on a case from import to production. This can help justify an invoice, get a new paralegal up to speed, etc. The Privilege Log eliminates the need to use Microsoft Office since you can edit and finalize this report in Digital WarRoom Private Cloud.

What Else Should You Know?

A wizard walks you through the production process, including Bates numbers, metadata, and OCR. Binders enable you to export a selection of documents with slip sheets and a hyperlinked index for use in depositions or to give an expert witness. Learn more about Digital WarRoom Private Cloud 8.8.

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