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The Nuts and Bolts of Law Firm SEO Plus 40 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 41 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

Fly Like an Eagle

Data Mining Before Initial Consultations

Editing Checklist for Your Online Content

How Legal Blogging Has Changed

Congratulations to Greg Baumgartner of Baumgartner Law Firm on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: The Nuts and Bolts of Law Firm SEO

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

How to Check Email the Right Way Plus 37 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 38 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

How to Make Your Resume Relevant in 2015

Five Steps to Launch Your Firm

Are Online Reviews Killing Your Ad Spend?

Google Mobilegeddon FAQ

Congratulations to Anthony C. Johnson of Law Practice Today on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How to Check Email the Right Way

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

Writing Case Studies That Attract Prospects Plus 38 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 39 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

What to Cover (and Not Cover) in a Consult

What if Something Happens to You? (Podcast)

Analysis of Successful PI Law Firm Websites

"Best Lawyers" v. "Who's Who"

Congratulations to Margaret McCaffery of Slaw on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Writing Case Studies That Attract Prospects

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

SmallLaw: Do Your Intake Phone Calls Sound Like This? Plus 54 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 55 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

Flat Broke on a $550,000 Salary

A Travel Guide to Tomorrow's Legal Careers

30-Second Website Critique

The Worst LinkedIn Mistakes You're Making

Congratulations to Harlan Schillinger of on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Do Your Intake Phone Calls Sound Like This?

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

11 Things Not to Write on Your Site Plus 39 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 40 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

What Can Law Firms Learn From Radio Shack?

Which of These Types of Lawyer Are You?

Five Ways to Create Law Firm Link Bait

Get Ready for Google Mobilegeddon

Congratulations to Lee Rosen of Divorce Discourse on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: 11 Things Not to Write on Your Law Firm Website

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Five Deadliest SEO Mistakes Law Firms Make and How to Avoid Them Plus the Five Best Printers

By Kathryn Hughes | Friday, March 27, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: It's a sin to spend money on a website for your law firm only to have it languish in Google and other search engines. In this issue of SmallLaw, online legal marketing expert Gyi Tsakalakis discusses the five deadliest search engine optimization mistakes he encounters in his work with law firms. He also explains important concepts such as converted organic search traffic and return on SEO investment. Also, don't miss the SmallLaw Pick of the Week for the five best printers currently available.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Written by practicing lawyers who manage successful small firms and legal technology and practice management experts who have achieved rock star status, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in small law firms, as well as comprehensive legal product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles (and podcasts and videos) about solo practices and small law firms. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | SmallLaw

How to Email Your Clients Plus 37 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 38 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

Amy Everhart's Successful Nashville Practice

How to Overcome Barriers Using Checklists

Strategies Can Help Lawyers Boost Business

Networking Is Pointless Without This

Congratulations to Patrick Lamb of In Search of Perfect Client Service on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How to Email Your Clients

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

How to Promote a New Law Firm Plus 39 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 40 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

Review of Alice for Front Desk Automation

How to Get More Business From Current Clients

Mobile-Friendliness Now a Ranking Factor

The Ultimate List of Content Marketing Tools

Congratulations to John Healy of Law Practice Advisor on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: How to Promote a New Law Firm

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw

cleanDocs Mobile: Read Our Exclusive Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, March 5, 2015

Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers software that removes metadata from documents you email from your smartphone (see article below), a service that provides your firm with your own branded own app for client communications and referrals, an iOS keyboard for entering text snippets, and a stand for the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. Don't miss the next issue.


Now that you live in a multi-device world, you should not have to switch to a different device to complete a task. For example, suppose you apply a few final touches to a Word document using Word for iOS. You want to email it to your client but first you need to remove the metadata. Must you wait until you get back to your PC? Not anymore.

cleanDocs Mobile … in One Sentence

Launched recently, DocsCorp's cleanDocs Mobile removes metadata from documents you email from iOS, Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone devices.

The Killer Feature

cleanDocs Mobile integrates with your firm's Exchange server to clean email attachments before they get sent. Given this necessary intervention, speed is essential for a good user experience. DocsCorp's CEO Dean Sappey tells us that cleanDocs Mobile "cleans email at blistering speeds to minimize productivity losses and delays."

Most metadata cleaners need to open the authoring application (e.g., Microsoft Word), which can take about 10 seconds. In a large firm, significant bottlenecks can form at the server such that lawyers have no idea when their message will get sent.

By contrast, cleanDocs Mobile uses "Binary Level" and "Multi-Threaded" Processing. Binary level processing eliminates the need to use the authoring application. As an added benefit, you don't need the authoring application installed on your device. Multi-Threaded processing means that cleanDocs Mobile takes full advantage of the multi-core CPUs in today's servers. The end result is that cleanDocs Mobile removes more than 100 metadata types from documents at sub-second speeds.

Other Notable Features

cleanDocs Mobile works hand in hand with cleanDocs Desktop, the latter of which runs on the PCs in your firm. Accordingly, any documents already cleaned by one don't get cleaned by the other, further increasing the speed.

Similarly, cleanDocs Mobile gives you and your colleagues more control than server-based products. DocsCorp refers to this as "contextual cleaning." This means that cleanDocs Mobile enables you to make cleaning decisions and apply your firm's cleaning policies when warranted (e.g., you don't need to clean a document emailed internally to a colleague, or you don't want track changes or comments removed when collaborating with an external party).

Regarding the Exchange integration, cleanDocs Mobile sends messages directly through Outlook rather than through relay servers. This not only ensures that your Sent Mail is identical on all devices, but also minimizes the risk of downtime caused by problematic email messages. Outlook resolves any issues by rerouting such email.

What Else Should You Know?

"cleanDocs Mobile is more than a metadata cleaning tool," Sappey tells us. "It's a unified approach to metadata management that recognizes the need for a more flexible, secure, and user-friendly solution for both desktop and mobile users." Learn more about cleanDocs Mobile.

How to Receive TL NewsWire
So many products, so little time. In each issue of TL NewsWire, you'll learn about five new products for the legal profession. Pressed for time? The newsletter's innovative articles enable lawyers and law office administrators to quickly understand the function of a product, and zero in on its most important features. The TL NewsWire newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TL NewsWire

Five Checklists Every Law Firm Should Use Plus 47 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Coming today to SmallLaw: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 48 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our SmallLaw Pick of the Week.

Adding Value in a Forms-Based Practice

How to Build a Profitable Intake System

Google Is Rewarding Mobile-Friendly Websites

The 30 Best Law Firm Tag Lines Ever Part 3

Congratulations to Peggy Gruenke of Attorney at Work on winning our SmallLaw Pick of the Week award: Five Checklists Every Law Firm Should Use

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small law firm, big dreams. Written by successful small-firm founders, managing partners, administrators, and legal technology and practice management experts, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in solo practices and small law firms. Additionally, SmallLaw features comprehensive reviews of legal products with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles, podcasts, and videos about solo practices and small law firms. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | SmallLaw
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