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The State of the Legal Market Plus 158 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Friday, February 22, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 146 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12 Command Cheat Sheet

Power Users v. Empowered Users

Review: Ready SIM for Temporary Private Smartphone Use

The Malpractice Was Bad, but the Attempted Murder Was Worse

Creating and Harnessing Momentum in Business Development

Congratulations to Robert Denney of Wisconsin Lawyer on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: The State of the Legal Market From Solos to Large Firms

Today's issue also contains links to every article in the February 2013 issue of Law Practice Today. Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Privacy/Security | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

The First Dual-Screen Laptop Plus 152 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 153 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Top 10 Upgrades to Make Your Law Firm Run Faster

Review: Surface RT as Used by a Lawyer

Review: CardNinja

LegalForce Store to Open in Palo Alto

Content Marketing 101 for Lawyers

Congratulations to Dana Wollman of Engadget on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: Are Two Screens Better Than One on a Laptop?

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management

Review of RainmakerVT Plus Reversing a Law Firm in Decline

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Originally published in the November 6, 2012 issue of SmallLaw: You walk into a networking event and see one person standing alone, two people conversing, and a group of four. Whom should you approach for client development purposes? RainmakerVT provides the answer to this and many other scenarios along with exercises and tips through its unique online course for solos and small firm lawyers who want to improve their sales and marketing skills. For this issue of SmallLaw, estate planning lawyer Chandra Lewnau took all of RainmakerVT's courses. Is RainmakerVT worth your time and money. Chandra answers this question in her review. Also, don't miss the SmallLaw Pick of the Week for advice on how middle-aged solos and managing partners can reverse a slowly failing law practice.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Written by practicing lawyers who manage successful small firms and legal technology and practice management experts who have achieved rock star status, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in small law firms, as well as comprehensive legal product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also links to helpful articles in other publications about solo practices and small law firms. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Online/Cloud | SmallLaw

A Lawyer's Life: Line2 Review, Pressing the Flesh, and Link Building Plus Calculations in Microsoft Word

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Coming today to SmallLaw: The solo life works just fine for some lawyers, but Gadsden, Alabama lawyer Clark Stewart recently left it behind when he teamed up with a friend to form a partnership. Yes, it's time for another installment of our series, A Lawyer's Life. In this issue of SmallLaw, Clark reviews Line2, his new law firm's iOS-based next-generation telephone system. He also explains why his law firm relies on only two forms of marketing, both of which cost very little. Also, don't miss the SmallLaw Pick of the Week to learn how to calculate numbers in Microsoft Word and thus sidestep Excel.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Written by practicing lawyers who manage successful small firms and legal technology and practice management experts who have achieved rock star status, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in small law firms, as well as comprehensive legal product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles (and podcasts and videos) about solo practices and small law firms. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | SmallLaw

The Best Antivirus Software Plus 144 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Monday, February 4, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 145 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Microsoft Office 2013 v. Microsoft Office 365

Review: Five Best iPad Keyboards

The Charge of the BlackBerry Light Brigade

20 Questions for Law Firm Leaders in 2013

Measuring a law Firm's Marketing Effectiveness

Congratulations to Nick Mediati and Sarah Jacobsson Purewal of PCWorld on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: Nine Antivirus Products Tested, Reviewed, and Ranked

Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Privacy/Security | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Write on Your iPad Using Real Paper Plus 166 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Saturday, February 2, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 167 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

Review: NeatDesk v. ScanSnap iX500

A Road Warrior's Guide to Locking Down Your Laptop

Review: Uber

Has the Practice of Law Aged You?

How to Get Started With Google AdWords

Congratulations to Katherine Boehret of AllThingsD on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: Write on Your iPad Using Real Paper: Review of iNotebook

Today's issue also contains links to every article in the January/February 2013 issue of GPSolo. Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management

Notable Large Law Firm Mobile Web Sites Plus Why Lawyers Leave Large Law Firms

By Kathryn Hughes | Friday, February 1, 2013

Coming today to BigLaw: Smartphones have outsold traditional computers since 2010 — a trend unlikely to change. Therefore, it's important for international law firms to have a web site that works well on smartphones, enabling your clients and others to quickly find information such as an office address, a lawyer's contact information, and even a lawyer's assistant's contact information. In this issue of BigLaw, mobile web site experts and publishers of "Law Firm Mobile" Matt Gross and Law App Guy walk you through nine notable large firm mobile web sites. They point out design elements that work well and some that don't. As you read their insightful commentary, you can visit each mobile web site on your smartphone. Also, don't miss the BigLaw Pick of the Week for an unscientific albeit interesting survey on why lawyers leave large law firms.

How to Receive BigLaw
Large and midsize law firms have achieved unprecedented success yet they still have tremendous growth potential. Written by insiders, corporate counsel, and other industry experts, BigLaw unearths best practices in leadership, marketing, strategy, and technology, and features detailed product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. BigLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to insightful articles (and podcasts and videos) about large and midsize law firms, as well as notable press releases issued by the world's largest law firms. The BigLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: BiglawWorld | Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites

Networking 101: 10 Steps for Obtaining New Clients via Referral Sources Plus a Small Firm Overcomes the Odds

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Coming today to SmallLaw: For most lawyers, lunch is a respite. For family lawyer Lee Rosen it's serious business. At his growing small law firm, networking lunches with referral sources generate about $1 million per lawyer in fees. In this issue of SmallLaw, Lee explains the 10 steps for successfully building referral sources (starting with a lunch) who continually send you new clients. Listen to Lee — and save your respites for dinner or better yet your early retirement. Also, don't miss the SmallLaw Pick of the Week for the story of a small law firm that opened its doors at the worst possible time, but managed to succeed against the odds.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Written by practicing lawyers who manage successful small firms and legal technology and practice management experts who have achieved rock star status, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in small law firms, as well as comprehensive legal product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also ensures that you won't miss anything published elsewhere by linking to helpful articles (and podcasts and videos) about solo practices and small law firms. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | SmallLaw

How to Create a PC Resuscitation Kit Plus 144 More Must-Reads

By Kathryn Hughes | Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Coming today to BlawgWorld: Our editorial team has selected and linked to 137 articles from the past week worthy of your attention. Below you'll find a sample article from each section of today's issue, including our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week.

QuickBooks v. Peachtree for Law Firms

Are Windows 8 Tablets Doomed Given Microsoft's History?

Review: Navigon

Practice Tip: Don't Bill for Having Sex With Your Client

Open Letter to New Lawyers: Learn How to Use the Internet

Congratulations to Alex Castle of PCWorld on winning our BlawgWorld Pick of the Week award: How to Create a PC Resuscitation Kit on a USB Flash Drive

Today's issue also contains links to every article in the January 2013 issue of Law Practice Today. Don't miss today's issue or any future issues of BlawgWorld.

How to Receive BlawgWorld
Our newsletters provide the most comprehensive coverage of legal technology, practice management, and law firm marketing, but not the only coverage. BlawgWorld enables you to stay on top of all the noteworthy articles (and podcasts) published online without having to hire a research assistant. Even when you're busy, you won't want to miss each issue's Pick of the Week. The BlawgWorld newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | BlawgWorld Newsletter | Coming Attractions | Entertainment/Hobbies/Recreation | Laptops/Smartphones/Tablets | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Online/Cloud

Friending Facebook: Top Five Tips to Make It More Useful Plus Law Firm Startup Calculator

By Kathryn Hughes | Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Originally published in the September 6, 2012 issue of SmallLaw: Facebook. Good God, what is it good for? Oh wait, that's Edwin Starr's "War." Still, Starr, who died a year before Facebook was born, might ask the same question about Facebook. And so might you (especially if you bought the stock). But let's not forget all those potential clients on Facebook. Whether you "like" Facebook or not, you should understand how to use it productively, how to avoid embarrassing mistakes, and how it can generate new business for your law firm. In this issue of SmallLaw, law practice advisor Erik Mazzone provides five Facebook tips for small law firms. Also, don't miss the SmallLaw Pick of the Week for an online calculator for lawyers contemplating starting a law firm.

How to Receive SmallLaw
Small firm, big dreams. Written by practicing lawyers who manage successful small firms and legal technology and practice management experts who have achieved rock star status, SmallLaw provides practical advice on management, marketing, and technology issues in small law firms, as well as comprehensive legal product reviews with accompanying TechnoScore ratings. SmallLaw also links to helpful articles in other publications about solo practices and small law firms. The SmallLaw newsletter is free so don't miss the next issue. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | SmallLaw
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