Today's issue of TL NewsWire covers a cloud file server and remote desktop service (see article below), a stand for the iPad and iPad mini, an iPad keyboard case, and an email management app for the iPhone. Don't miss the next issue.

Once fearful about cloud services, law firms have since embraced them. And right on cue, bar associations have started providing cover much like with email back in the day. However, most cloud services seem built for individuals rather than for teams. Therefore, using them is like taking a step back for law firms that once used a file server.
Pertino … in One Sentence
Launched this year, Pertino is a cloud file server and remote desktop service.
The Killer Feature
File servers essentially provide access to your documents from anywhere, the downside being that you need to buy a computer, set it up, and maintain it — or more likely, hire a consultant for these tasks.
Pertino provides the same benefits without the expense of hardware and the hassles of configuring it. For example, it doesn't use an IP address for your login. You don't need to create a VPN. Etc. Instead, you create a volume and then invite people to whom you want to give access. Each person creates a login and password using Pertino's software.
You can create as many "networks" (volumes) as you want and remove people anytime. For example, you can create a temporary network for exchanging exhibits during a deposition and a permanent network for your everyday work. Pertino uses bank-grade encryption.
Other Notable Features
Pertino works like a file server. Everyone with access sees the same folders and files. Users can create new documents, edit existing documents, and delete documents (you can limit how users can use a network using the administration tools). Pertino currently offers a Windows client with a Mac client en route soon. The company will offer apps for the iPad and smartphones later this year.
Pertino facilitates other network services as well. For example, you can use it for remote desktop access. Thus, employees working from home can use Microsoft Word or any other application on their work computer via Pertino. This eliminates the need to buy additional software licenses.
What Else Should You Know?
Pertino offers two plans. The Personal Plan is free. It limits access to three users and three devices per user. The Professional Plan costs $10 per month per user with a cap of 250 users and three devices per user. Learn more about Pertino.
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