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eBay v. MercExchange from a Patent Troll's Perspective -- and Other Hot IP Issues

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 19, 2006

Coming May 22, 2006 to IP Memes: You'll learn about some of the hottest new IP lawsuits (the mainstream media doesn't even know about them yet), why the Apple v. Apple verdict will likely become a law school case study, and the surprise eBay v. MercExchange opinions unleashed by the Supreme Court. Plus, we introduce IP Memes Theater — a creative take on the eBay v. MercExchange opinions.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Mondays, IP Memes is a biweekly newsletter that explores emerging technology-related intellectual property issues — or "memes" as we call them. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | IP Memes | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Monitor Ergonomics; AbacusLaw v. Time Matters; PCLaw v. QuickBooks; Consultants

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 19, 2006

Coming May 26, 2006 to Fat Friday: Dean Kirby discusses monitor height and reviews his Princeton monitor, Seth Silapasvang compares AbacusLaw to Time Matters, Harold Goldner reviews the Time Matters AIC listserver, Steve Wing compares PCLaw to QuickBooks, and Samuel Matunog explains when you need a consultant and when you don't. In addition, this issue features links to 8 additional Posts in the TechnoLawyer Archive. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | CLE/News/References | Coming Attractions | Consultants/Services/Training | Fat Friday | Monitors | Online/Cloud | Practice Management/Calendars | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Presentation Tips from the Master; Acrobat Preferences; Word Tips from Downunder; Leadership; Overlordship; Machinima at Its Best

By Neil J. Squillante | Tuesday, May 16, 2006

You don't have time to track hundreds of business and technology publications. We do. Below you'll find our latest discoveries.

How to Wow 'Em Like Steve Jobs

Acrobat Preferences: My Personal Favorites

The Good Word

Eight Things Leaders Never Do

How to Be a Successful Evil Overlord

Game 6 1986 World Series (a towering achievement in machinima — breathtaking)

About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Business Productivity/Word Processing | Entertainment/Hobbies/Recreation | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial

Acrobat Legal Forum; Real Estate Help Needed

By Neil J. Squillante | Monday, May 15, 2006

Sorry for the late notice, but on May 18th at 9:00 a.m. I plan to attend Adobe's Acrobat Legal Forum at the Westin Hotel in Times Square. If you also plan to attend, e-mail me so that I can look for you there. Rick Borstein will also be there. Learn more about this event.

We're looking for new office space in Manhattan. If you have any tips to pass along — a client looking to sublease space, a broker who handles small deals, a good commercial real estate lawyer, etc. — please e-mail me (our email address appears at the bottom of every page on our site). 

Thank you for your help.

About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Business Productivity/Word Processing | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TechnoLawyer | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial

Don't Blame Your Customers; Online Backup; HP Printers; RainMaker; Security Gone Wild

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 12, 2006

Coming May 19, 2006 to Fat Friday: Duy Thai adds his two cents to the software training debate, Alex Simpson responds to the online backup discussion fueled by a recent TechnoFeature, Alice B. Newman reviews her experience with the HP LaserJet 3330mfp (an oldie, but goodie) and the newer 2015mfp, Kevin Grierson reviews RainMaker for time and billing, and Jay Solomon has a little fun with the very serious topic of password security. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Backup/Media/Storage | Coming Attractions | Copiers/Scanners/Printers | Fat Friday | Privacy/Security | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

TechnoLawyer E-Discovery Cheat Sheet

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, May 4, 2006

Voting in the 2006 TechnoLawyer @ Awards began last week!

If you vote, you'll receive free of charge the TechnoLawyer E-Discovery Cheat Sheet. This two-page PDF file written by e-discovery expert Dennis Kennedy can serve as a valuable educational tool for you and especially your new hires and clients.

Here's what some voters have said about the cheat sheet:

"Thank you. The e-discovery cheat sheet is very informative."

"Covers the basics and highlights the risks of screwing up."

"I found it very concise and helpful. In my practice, I often function as a Litigation Support Manager. This is a great tool to share."

Voting ends on May 19th. Please vote today and download the cheat sheet.

Topics: Litigation/Discovery/Trials | TechnoLawyer | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

ABA TechShow Report

By Neil J. Squillante | Monday, May 1, 2006

"So, you're skipping all the seminars and just attending the parties," joked CaseSoft co-founder Bob Wiss at the Sheraton's bar as he handed me a bottle of Pilsner Urquell. All too true I must confess.

I was in Chicago from April 19-21, 2006 for the ABA's annual TechShow. However, I spent my days in Rosemont at MarketingSherpa's Email Marketing Summit where I spoke about Serial Storytelling, the technique we use to operate TechnoLawyer. I also hung out with my longtime client Shannan Friedman of Equisys, a company that invests heavily in email marketing. Read about the conference.

At night I drove into Chicago to hang out with the TechShow crowd. Even though I didn't have a chance to attend any TechShow seminars, I nonetheless have some news to report.


On Wednesday night, I attended LexThink Lounge, a sponsored event at 10Pin, an upscale bowling alley near the House of Blues. Along with Bob Wiss, John Tredennick, Reba Nance, and another gentleman whose name escapes me (sorry), I spoke on a panel about the future of legal technology. Unfortunately, our microphone and speakers could not compete with the bowling alley's other speakers blaring pop music so most people could not hear our pearls of wisdom.

Nonetheless, the event was a lot of fun. I met a number of people I've only known via email and reconnected with others. Take a look at the photos and see how many legal technology luminaries you can spot (extra points if you can spot me).

I left LexThink Lounge at about 7:00 and headed to Spiaggia on Michigan Avenue for an Italian dinner hosted by CaseSoft. The food and wine were terrific, and the company even better. There I met Ernie Svenson of Ernie the Attorney fame who just launched his own law firm. CaseMap is among the applications he uses. During dinner, I sat between Natalie Kelly of the State Bar of Georgia and Nancy Smith of CaseSoft who planned the event (nice job!).


On Thursday night, I attended "The Dinner" at Cafe Brauer at the Lincoln Park Zoo. The Dinner is a legendary annual event for the legal technology cognoscenti — a cocktail party and elegant dinner at a different location each year. Hosted by legal technology guru Ross Kodner and legal marketing guru JoAnna Forshee, The Dinner is a unique event because it's sponsored by about a dozen legal vendors. Thus, everyone who attends receives a gift bag full of goodies (I especially liked the Attenex USB drive, which works great with my PowerBook).

No fewer than three surprise announcements took place during The Dinner. First, Ross announced that on the way out Corel representatives would give everyone a free copy of Corel WordPerfect Office X3, which now features an email client.

Second, Kenny Lee of Apple Computer gave an iPod Video and MacBook Pro to Dennis Kennedy, Jim Calloway, and three other legal technology influencers, the idea being that they will persuade other lawyers to consider Apple (Intel Macs can run Windows).

Butler_2 Third, Time Matters founder Bob Butler announced that he was leaving LexisNexis and the legal technology world. After Bob sold Time Matters to LexisNexis in 2004, he could have called it quits then, but instead spent the last two years working harder than ever (it seemed like he was always on a plane) to help transform LexisNexis into a software powerhouse. During this period, he orchestrated the acquisition of PCLaw among other initiatives.

Among his many innovations over the years, Bob was the first to incorporate email into a case management application. Nowadays, law firms take this widely-adopted feature for granted. Bob wasn't just an entrepreneur, but also a legal technology visionary. He may not have written every line of code in Time Matters, but he understood the code (and I suspect he wrote many a functional specification).

Bob now leaves LexisNexis's software division in the capable hands of Ann Fullenkamp whom I met at The Dinner and who spoke warmly about her time working with Bob since the two hatched a strategic alliance several years ago that ultimately led to the acquisition in 2004.

Bob was an early believer in TechnoLawyer. Along with a handful of others, he immediately saw the value of participating in TechnoLawyer. I'm grateful for his support over the years and can't wait to see what he comes up with next.


Take a look at my TechShow photos.

More TechShow photos courtesy of Adriana Linares.

Read David Snow's account of some of the same events.

About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.

Topics: CLE/News/References | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

See You in Chicago this Week?

By Neil J. Squillante | Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I'll be in Chicago this week. I won't have time to attend TechShow because I'm giving a presentation at MarketingSherpa's Email Marketing Summit, but I will attend several TechShow-related events in the evening. I'll be at LexThink Lounge Wednesday afternoon and The Dinner Thursday night. I hope to see you at one of these events! (Both events are sold out.)

About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TechnoLawyer | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial

Online Video Tools Come of Age

By Neil J. Squillante | Monday, April 17, 2006

I deemed 2006 the year of mobile video. It looks like I was half right — video hasn't yet taken off in the legal profession, but it has elsewhere. One of the most vexing issues with video concerns embedding it into your site or blog. As with every technical hurdle, startup companies have rushed to fill the void. Last week, DVGuru reviewed several of these solutions, but just as importantly, those of us who commented on the article provided many other suggestions. If you have any interest in video, I recommend reading this article and the comments.

About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Entertainment/Hobbies/Recreation | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Online/Cloud | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial

PDF Bates Stamp Tip from Adobe; QuickBooks 2006 for Time-Billing; Dragon Tip and Rant

By Sara Skiff | Friday, April 14, 2006

Coming April 20, 2006 to Answers to Questions: Business Development Manger for Adobe Legal Rick Borstein offers up a hot tip for bates stamping PDF files, solos Mark Rosen and Larry Vollintine review QuickBooks (Premier and Pro Editions, respectively) for time-billing, Geoff Ormrod suggests a fix for those having problems upgrading Dragon NaturallySpeaking, and Thomas Shigo challenges technology resellers to provide some straight talk about Dragon NaturallySpeaking (and other legal technology solutions). Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Dictation/OCR/Speech Recognition | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Answers
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