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Why Didn't a Lawyer Start this Company?

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, June 29, 2006

Ocean Tomo is a fascinating company — a merchant bank that specializes in intellectual property. For example, the company appraises patents and trademarks, holds patent auctions, provides experts for IP litigation, provides risk management services and insurance to protect trade secrets, and will soon launch a publicly-traded index fund that tracks stocks with strong IP portfolios. Sadly, while a lawyer should have started this company, that's not the case. It was founded by an investment banker. Learn more.

About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: How to Sell Legal Technology on Venus

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 23, 2006

Coming June 27, 2006 to TechnoFeature: Have you ever noticed that companies sell the hottest computers on the basis of "size," "speed," "endurance," and "raw power?" These traits sell technology on Mars — the domain of men. With nearly two-thirds of lawyers being men, Mars-dominated sales pitches have worked. However, Venus is ascendant — half of new law graduates are women, as well as three-quarters of legal support staff. In this article, technology consultant Seth Rowland and his partner and Venusian Rose Rowland discuss technology from the female perspective and why the savvy marketer can no longer ignore this important demographic.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Tuesdays, TechnoFeature is a weekly newsletter that contains in-depth articles written by leading legal technology and practice management experts. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | TechnoFeature | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Last Dance for Chili Jane? -- and Other Hot IP Issues

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 16, 2006

Coming June 19, 2006 to IP Memes: Steve, Doug, and Matt cover the following memes: a possible copyright lawsuit involving two rock n' roll heavyweights, the potential repercussions of the Patent and Trademark Office's tremendous application backlog, and some of the most interesting IP cases filed in the last few weeks. Plus, a new installment of IP Memes Theater — eBay v. MercExchange from an Infringer's Perspective.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Mondays, IP Memes is a biweekly newsletter that explores emerging technology-related intellectual property issues — or "memes" as we call them. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | IP Memes | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Worldox and Friends; Skype for Business; Copernic Review; WiFi Morality; WordPerfect Lockups

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 16, 2006

Coming June 22, 2006 to Answers to Questions: David Ventker reviews WORLDOX and its role in his firm's paperless office, Brad Jensen reviews his experience using Skype in a business setting, Alan Kassan reviews Copernic Desktop Search while offering up some PDF searching tips, Kurt Schoettler responds to the open WiFi network debate, and Frank Brancato dispels a common WordPerfect myth. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published Thursdays, Answers to Questions is a weekly newsletter in which TechnoLawyer members answer legal technology and practice management questions submitted by their peers (including you if you join TechnoLawyer). Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Document Management | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Networking/Operating Systems | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Answers

Voice Mail Discovery; Google Tips; $1 Million Partner Draw? No Thanks; TechnoLawyer Criticized; Legal Marketing Quiz

By Neil J. Squillante | Thursday, June 15, 2006

You don't have time to track 100 business and technology magazines and blogs. We do. Below you'll find our latest discoveries.

Assessing the Importance of Voice Mail in Discovery

Data Mining on the Internet with Google

How Many Hours Would Elihu Root Bill?

And Your Favorite Blog Is ... Huh?

Is Your Firm Really Marketing?

About TechnoEditorials
A TechnoEditorial is the vehicle through which we opine and provide tips of interest to managing partners, law firm administrators, and others in the legal profession. TechnoEditorials appear first in TechnoGuide, and later here in TechnoLawyer Blog. TechnoGuide, which is free, also contains exclusive content. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Email/Messaging/Telephony | Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Law Office Management | Litigation/Discovery/Trials | TechnoLawyer | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | TL Editorial

Choosing Billing Software; Battle of the Desktop Search Apps; Battle of the Anti-Virus Apps; Dell Customer Service; iPod Speaker Reviews

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 9, 2006

Coming June 16, 2006 to Fat Friday: Caren Schwartz explains how to choose billing software, Nicholas Bettinger reviews several desktop search options, Kelly Lupo reviews using McAfee Anti-Virus software in conjunction with the open source ClamWin and how this combination compares to Symantec AntiVirus, Andrew Paterson reviews his experience with Dell customer service, and Kath Gilliam reviews her favorite iPod speakers (and admits to a guilty musical pleasure). Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | Business Productivity/Word Processing | Coming Attractions | Computer Accessories | Document Management | Entertainment/Hobbies/Recreation | Fat Friday | Privacy/Security | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | Utilities

Web 2.0: The Trademark -- and Other Hot IP Issues

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 2, 2006

Coming June 05, 2006 to IP Memes: You'll learn about a trademark dispute over the widely-used term "Web 2.0," about an organization determined to overturn every patent, what Don King and the Bellagio Hotel and Casino have in common (other than boxing), and much more.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Mondays, IP Memes is a biweekly newsletter that explores emerging technology-related intellectual property issues — or "memes" as we call them. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | IP Memes | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

iPod Car Accessories and Upgrade Tip; Content Creators v. Search Engines; Why Lawyers Don't Need Computers; The Problem with Software; Norton AntiVirus v. AVG

By Sara Skiff | Friday, June 2, 2006

Coming June 9, 2006 to Fat Friday: Howard Raab reviews his favorite iPod car accessories and provides a can't miss iPod upgrade tip, Brad Jensen shares his thoughts on the recent feud between bloggers and, Andrea Cannavina provides an interesting twist on the continuing software training debate that will likely spark another debate, Edward Brooks discusses the problems with legal software and tech support, and Britt Knuttgen compares Norton AntiVirus to AVG. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Coming Attractions | Computer Accessories | Entertainment/Hobbies/Recreation | Fat Friday | Law Office Management | Privacy/Security | Technology Industry/Legal Profession | Utilities

Semi-Paperless Office; Legal Software for Solos; Reviews of Gateway FPD2185W and Samsung SyncMaster 244T monitors; Time Matters AIC Listserver

By Sara Skiff | Friday, May 26, 2006

Coming June 2, 2006 to Fat Friday: Gerald McNally shares some tips for a semi-paperless office, Kurt Walberg discusses the technology tools he uses in his solo practice, Caldwell Hancock reviews his new 21" Gateway monitors while Thorne D. Harris III reviews the Samsung SyncMaster 244T monitor, and Brent Blanchard reviews the Time Matters AIC Listserver. Don't miss this issue.

How to Receive this Newsletter
Published on Fridays, Fat Friday is a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. Please subscribe now.

Topics: Accounting/Billing/Time Capture | CLE/News/References | Coming Attractions | Document Management | Fat Friday | Law Office Management | Monitors | Online/Cloud | Practice Management/Calendars | Technology Industry/Legal Profession

Ten Minutes of Your Time Could Yield a Huge Return

By Sara Skiff | Monday, May 22, 2006

Eric Imperial, Ten Minutes of Your Time Could Yield a Huge Return

TechnoLawyer publisher Neil Squillante asks:
"What is the best advice you ever received regarding your legal career? How have you put it to use?"

Despite all of the technological advances that have benefited lawyers — whether practicing solo or in a large firm — clients still appreciate the simplicity of a handwritten note. Few things provide the same personal touch for clients who, like us, are besieged by e-mails, voicemails and faxes. The tenth of an hour you invest in writing a note could yield a huge return one day.

Eric H. Imperial
The Law Offices of Eric H. Imperial
Washington, DC

About Fat Friday
Posts like the one above appear exclusively in Fat Friday, a weekly newsletter that features a grab bag full of genuinely useful product reviews and tips on a wide variety of topics. Like all of our newsletters, it's free. You can subscribe here.

Topics: Law Firm Marketing/Publications/Web Sites | Post | Technology Industry/Legal Profession
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